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Pre Primary Skype Session with Ms Phung Hiu from Vietnam

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Preschoolers Diwali Celebration

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Halloween craft by Class 3D

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Class 4A Fly your fractions' Maths Activity

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Class 3B Poster making activity - Say No to Crackers

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Class 4 Diya Decoration Activity

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Class 5A Poster making activity - Say No to Crackers

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Class 3 Diwali Celebration

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Class 9 Cyber security talk

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Tenth and Hundredth Newspaper Activity by Class 5A

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Dandiya 2022

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Tenths and Hundredths - Decimals Activity by Class 5E

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Class 2 Kulhad decorating activity for Diwali

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Pre School Skype session with Vietnam on 12 October 2022

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Pre school's Skype session with Vietnamese on 7 October 2022