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E- Waste Disposal by our School on Earth Day

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Protest March on the BRT on Earth Day

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Special Assembly on Good Manners, class 1A.

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Visit to the Post office by Pre- primary

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Paper Mola- a craft of Panama/ Colombia

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A Glance at Thatcherism

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Self Discovery Workshop


Self Discovery by Classes 4 to 8.

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Fathers Day Celebration, Pre-primary

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Orientation evening for Nursery parents

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Cbse workshop on life skills, attitudes, values and health-wellbeing education


Orientation Day, Classes 10 and 11


Orientation Day, Classes 1 to 5


Adventure camp, Classes 3 to 5


Advanture camp, Classes 1 and 2


Self Defence

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Spring excursion to the Garden of Five Senses, classes 1 and 2.

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Career Counselling by Jitin Chawla for classes 11 and 12.

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CII Soccer Festival, 23 24 February 2013 Jawaharlal Nehru stadium.

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Educational Visit to Jantar Mantar