
Special Computer Assembly


Teacher's Day


Special Assembly by Pre-primary


Middle school makes library aids

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Zonal Basketball Championship, 2012-2013

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An "Independent Child" Contest

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Beyond The Classroom A Trip To Bal Bhavan


Basketball Zonal Match, August, 2012.


Sketching Art at Firoz Shah Tomb, Hauz Khaz


Independence Day Quiz Competition


A Visit to National Science Centre by PS


A Visit to National Science Centre by PP


Annual Exhibition 2012-13


Visit to VIMHANS


Mathematics workshop on 26, 27 & 28 July, 2012


Value of Excellence - A talk by Dr. Sonal Mansingh


Model Medley, A Maths Activity


Janamashtmi Celebration


A talk on Lion conservation


Patterns from my pen, Tanya Gauba