
A talk on the Relevance of Gandhi's thoughts in current times

On July 11, 2015, students of classes VIII-XI listened in rapt attention to Ms. Avanti Divan, class XII student of Vasant Valley School, speak eloquently and with erudition on the relevance of Gandhi and his thoughts in current times. This interactive talk session was part of our Schools citizenship initiative towards Clean Delhi Clean India'. One might wonder, Why a talk by a teenager? The truth is we relate better with someone our age! The seventeen year old Avanti narrated interesting anecdotes from Gandhis life to highlight the relevance of Gandhism in the present times. The Swachh Bharat Abhiyan ( Clean India Mission), a cleanliness campaign spearheaded by our honourable Prime Minister Shri Narendra Modi is inspired by Mahatma Gandhis ideology of Cleanliness Next to Godliness. To cement her talk, Avanti cited facts, that almost 78% of Indias cities exceed the limit of Particulate Matter (PM) in the air. She also mentioned that 14% of Indias population still defecates in the open, even after 68 years of independence. Girls refuse to go to school as there is no provision for separate toilets for them. They are prone to harassment and humiliation and hence find reasons to avoid going to school. These statistical data shocked everyone in the audience.

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When Mahatma Gandhi came back from South Africa, he inspected toilets of the upper and the middle classes and was shocked to find them filthy. On the other hand he was surprised to see the spic and span surroundings of the dalits! Upon enquiry he learnt that those unfortunate people did not even have the facility of toilets and thereafter Gandhiji started his cleanliness drive. Jamnalal Bajaj, an aspiring entrepreneur at the time. wanted Bapus blessings before starting his business. When he visited Bapu to seek his blessings, the latter said, ' In order to receive my blessings, you must do what I say. You have to clean the toilets of my ashram. I want to see the same gusto that you are putting into your venture to clean up the toilets!' Gandhiji always encouraged the idea that one must do all our work ourselves. So much so, that he actually bought a handbook on how to wash clothes! He even cut his own hair while he was in South Africa because he did not want the whites to cut his black hair and nor did the whites want to! Avanti concluded with how it is everyones duty to not only keep their surroundings but also the city clean and how, No work is below or above your dignity. Respect all kinds of work. Surabhi Sanghi, XI-C.