
Activity on Road Safety by PS Hercule

Road Safety is a critical part of our lives in the city. And who better than our youngest to delightfully remind us of this?

Keeping this in mind, a fun-loving activity was conducted by Pre-School Hercule where the children learnt ( and will go home and remind their parents) road safety rules.

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The children learnt

How and when to cross the road; The ability to read basic road signs e.g. Stop, No parking and the Pedestrian sign and The significance of traffic lights.

An imitation road was set up on the classroom floor. The children were lined up on the 'road' and instructed to carefully follow the road signs.

Crossing the road at the zebra crossing was the first lesson. The Pedestrian sign was an important one which was explained with animation and role play.

The children came to the top of the class, by turn and picked up a cut out each, of the different means of road transport. They then proceeded on the road before them, following the lights, namely, Red to Stop, Yellow to Get Ready and Green to Go.

The activity was an effective exercise in 'edutainment' and the children were very enthused about reminding everyone at home, the lessons they learnt about road safety!

Ms. Bharti Bedi.