
Aerobics for parents

Hum Fit Toh India Fit is the slogan of the Fit India Movement, initiated by the Prime Minister, Narendra Modi, on 29 August 2019 at the Indira Gandhi International Stadium. It is a nationwide movement that seeks to encourage people to stay active and healthy by including exercise as a part of ones daily routine.

This year due to the pandemic, we have been compelled to stay contained within the four walls of the home because of which their habits have lost way. Today the need of the hour is to educate about the means of overcoming obesity, stress and anxiety through regular exercises thus enhancing their self-esteem and confidence.

The Physical Education Department of The Indian School organised two aerobics sessions for our parents. The first one was conducted on12 December 2020 for the parents of classes VI-VII and the second session was conducted on 19 December 2020 for the parents of the students of Pre School till class II. Principal, Ms. Tania Joshi, was also a part of the sessions.

It was an initiative undertaken as a reminder that regular exercise not only helps manage weight and builds immunity but also helps prevent mental health problems. In addition, it is a great way to unwind from the stress of life, even if one is at home.

The session started with warm-up exercises which included jogging on the spot, shoulder circles, Jumping Jacks and stretches. The teachers of the PE department explained the importance of warming up and cooling down the muscles before and after any activity. They also explained the importance of aerobic exercises and advised everyone to make them a part of their routine.

The sessions were attended by many parents who shared their positive feedback with the Principal and the teachers of the PE department. They appreciated the efforts taken by the school and insisted on some more sessions in the future!