
Annual Exhibition 2019

The Indian School held the Annual Exhibition on Saturday, October 19, 2019. As customary it helps ingrain a rational and creative attitude and to comprehend the interdependence of science, technology and society with a hands-on experience. The Exhibition seeks to engage students and teachers to synergise experiences and motivate one another to design and develop something novel.

The occasion was graced by School Chairman, Mr Prafull Goradia, Vice- Chairperson, Dr Mrs Nayana Goradia and Principal Ms. Tania Joshi. More than 200 exhibits dotted several sections of the School, with participation ranging from classes 1 to 12. The inauguration of the Exhibition commenced with the release of the annual science magazine, 'Science Musings' and a booklet prepared by the students of Psychology of class XI, titled Colour Psychology. Right from the impressive Voice Assistant at the reception to the talented artists performing The Game of Dice from the epic Mahabharata and The Trojan War, the exhibition satisfied the appetite of its spectators.

[gallery link="file"] Linking the exhibition enthusiastically to the theme of Artificial Intelligence, the students created beautiful models and artefacts. The bright and colourful displays by the students of the primary wing added to the vibrancy of the event. The students pride and joy was evident from their interaction with the guests. Models on Dopplers Effect, CRISPRs technology, Air Ink, Green Car, Magic mirrors, Combination locks and non-conventional sources of energy were the highlights of the exhibition. The Annual Exhibition was a huge success and appreciated by all. It was an occasion for students to learn things beyond facts and know more about the world around them. For more pictures Click here....