
Art Poetica- art and poetry event

The annual Dr. Prem Kripal Memorial inter-school Art and Poetry symposium- ' Art poetica' was hosted by DPS RK Puram on 17 November 2018. Students of 31 schools took part in various events namely: ' Blend Art ', Artistic Poesy', 'Lyrical Canvas', 'Lime in Rhyme ', Inverse Rhapsody ', and Stage -A - verse' .

Blend Art, which involved recitation, dramatisation, and capturing the essence of a poem in a painting or a sketch, was judged by Ms. Nupur Kundu, Ms. Sangeeta Sharma, Dr. Pramod Gupta, Dr. Sanya Gupta, Ms. Nin Taneja, and Mr. Subhashish Dey.

For Artistic Poesy, participants were provided with a series of pictures and were required to compose a ballad based on these. The event was judged by Mr Manish Sharma, Mr. Sandeep Makharia, and Ms. Garima Sehgal.

Lyrical Canvas had participants capturing the predominant feeling from a line in a poem. It was judged by Mr. Priyendra Shukla, Mr. Pankaj Guru and Dr. Sangameshwar Rao.

Inverse Rhapsody was based on an innovative competitive format where participants in pairs, expressed a dominant and an opposing emotion from a poem that was provided to them. It was judged by Ms. Saroj Chawla, Dr. Mita Bose, and Ms. Anavisha Banerjee.

In Stage-A-Verse, students wrote a script offstage in verse on a visual prompt and enacted it on stage. It was judged by Ms. Shubhagata Kumar, Ms. Neera Verma, and Ms. Shree Lahiri.

Lime- in-Rhyme required the participants to create limericks based on oral inputs within a time frame and recite the same on-stage. The event was assessed by Ms. Paramjeet Kaur, Dr. Carreen Pakrasi and Mr. Fahad Khan.

Our group consisted of students from classes 9, 10 ,11 who took part in these different activities

The chief guests addressed the audience with a very important life lesson about power corrupting individuals.

Ms. Ambica Dawar.