Articulation by Art, ( Self-Discovery), class 4B.
Ms. Sonia Bhandari, ( early-educator and art therapist) conducted an innovative exchange with class 4B on 15 February, 2012.Ms. Bhandari's exercise was named ' Discover Yourself" and was aimed to reinforce what was taught during Self-Discovery week at the start of the year, namely to help the children know and realise themselves better.
Ms. Bhandari began the workshop by narrating 2 stories written herself. The first story was about young Rahul who discovers his familys love for him and the second story was about little Ria who discovers how special she is! Ms. Bhandari then prompted the children to individually thread a story and draw it. She was ushering their imaginations to unleash. Soon enough the ideas began to appear and quickly they became abundant! The result was joyous. Art had seemed to easily fill in for where articulation in word had hesitated. Thoughts, story-angles, feeling etc got succinctly presented and the communication was complete. The journey of each child through this exercise would nevitably have stimulated a refreshed Self-Discovery.