
Bizcraft for classes X-XII

On Tuesday, 12th August, 2014, Bizcraft, our in-school Commerce Society hosted an assembly for classes X to XII. The assembly began with an update of the latest happenings in the world around us, followed by some interesting presentations. Urja Chhabra of class XI C made a presentation on the Ebola Virus which is the sole member of the Zaire ebolavirus species to create an awareness about the risk from this disease. Its natural reservoir is believed to be bats, particularly fruit bats, and it is primarily transmitted between humans and from animals to humans, through body fluids. This was followed by a powerpoint presentation by Ramneek Kaur, Vidhu Gaba and Arjun Singh Jolly of class XI C on the rise and fall of the social networking website, Orkut. They also presented an analysis of the difference between Facebook and Google Plus. Next in line was a presentation by Palak Aneja and Ojasvi Jain of class XII B, on the 6th BRICS Summit and its declaration of the New Development Bank. To conclude, an interactive business quiz was conducted by Anish Bhat, Tanya Bansal and Deepak Kumar of class XII B, to test basic business awareness amongst our students. For example, students were asked to identify taglines and logos of various companies. Students were very animated and several attempted to volunteer answers. It was indeed an interesting and enriching beginning to the School day. Compiled by Palak Aneja XII B