
Brainstorming Session - Comprehensive Policy for Children with Disabilities ( in Education and Examinations)

Children are the Priority Change is the Reality Collaboration is the Strategy A brainstorming session was organised by CBSE at ITL Public School, Dwarka on 4 July 2018, to frame a comprehensive policy for providing support to children with disabilities. Representatives of 28 state school education boards, NIOS, ICSE, IGNOU, NCERT, open schools, special educators and principals of several schools and parents of differently abled students, participated in this impressive conclave to discuss the contours of such a policy. Ms. Anita Karwal, chairperson CBSE, in her keynote address apprised the gathering of the facilities provided by the Board for the benefit of students with special needs. In a bid to motivate special educators of government schools, CBSE announced the instituting of two awards for recognition in this area of specialisation. Twenty-one types of disabilities were discussed along with their definitions as per The RPWD ( Revised Person with Disabilities) Act, 2016. The functional limitations of the act were noted down and later distributed to the audience in folders. The participants were divided into groups. The first five groups were asked to discuss a proposed support plan for each of the listed disabilities while the sixth group focused on the role of technology in the education of children with infirmities.

The groups engaged in a fruitful and in-depth discourse keeping various factors in mind Disability, Curriculum Adaptations, Pedagogies, Physical Environment at School, Method of Assessment, Technology/Assistive Device, Accommodations/Exemptions in the board exams. The session was followed by a practical assignment that involved preparing a power point presentation on suggested measures for the support plan. The time allotted for the task was two hours and thirty minutes. Once the PPTs were completed the groups made a formal presentation of the same to the assembly.

[gallery link="file" order="DESC" columns="2"] Ms. Madhuri Rajdev, special educator at our School was member of Group 4 that presented on specific learning disabilities ( Dyslexia, Dyscalculia, and Dysgraphia etc.), Autism, Spectrum Disorder (ASD) and mental illness. The inclusive nature of the conclave was evidenced with the presence of a sign language interpreter for the convenience of hearing and speech impaired participants. The session emphasised upon educating differently- abled children, with a strong missive to caretakers and educators- that charity, education is a fundamental right and inclusion is the best step in that direction. Shri Anurag Tripathi, Secretary, CBSE delivered the vote of thanks.