
British Council workshop in a mapping for the Primary.

The British Council organised a workshop on mapping exercises for Primary Classes from 2 to 4 March, 2015 at Hotel Kempinski Ambience, near the Yamuna Sports Complex.

The participants for the workshop were selected pan India on the basis of the following criteria:- experience as ISA coordinator, experience of teaching primary classes, evidence of innovation and creative lesson-planning, evidence of knowledge of international best practices.

Besides this a classroom activity had to be designed with core-scholastic, life skills and global citizenship outcomes .

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The participants came from schools all over India. The purpose of the workshop was to develop curriculum maps, so as.to provide primary teachers a tool to design lessons that can nurture 21st century skills, deep-learning skills and life skills in students in a systematic manner. Such skills will arm students to thrive in an increasingly global society. It will also enrich the quality of teaching and learning in schools, equipping students with the outlook and skills they will need to live and work as citizens of the world. Just as importantly, engaging in international perspectives, motivates students by adding relevance and dynamism to lessons. It helps young people to develop an appreciation of cultural diversity, understand the value of learning a language and enjoy a better understanding of the world. All of these experiences are a great preparation to help play a positive role in society.

The workshop was conducted by Ms. Rittika Chanda Parruck, Assistant Director, Schools and Mr. Arijit Ghosh, Senior Project Manager Digital - Schools at the British Council .

On the first day the workshop commenced with Ms. Parruck introducing the work done by the British Council in schools in India.

Mr. Ghosh presented the 6 Cs of learning Communication, creativity, collaboration, character, critical thinking, global citizenship, health,sports and IT literacy. Teachers worked in groups to share views, create a group description and present the same.

Ms. Parruck spoke of our demographic dividend and the skills required to be developed in students for them to take their place in economies of the 21st century. She pointed out the requirement of schools to change practice to plan authentic learning experiences, to foster a range of skills in students.

The real role of leadership in educationis not and should not be command and control. The real role of leadership is climate control creating a climate of possibility. If you do that, people will rise to it and achieve things that you completely did not anticipate and couldnt have expected. Ken Robinson.

During the second half of the day teachers worked in groups to design an activity to define a learning prototype. The second day was utilised for creating maps, class- wise and reviewing maps created by other groups. The third day comprised understanding rubrics and their descriptors followed by creating simple rubrics.

Individual reflection and feedback about the workshop was submitted.

Filed by Ms. Neena Maini, Head Teacher, Primary.