
CBSE webinar on 100 Days Reading Campaign

On 28 January 2022, the CBSE streamed live on their official YouTube channel, a webinar on the 100 Days Reading Campaign. Ms Tarannum Athar, School librarian attended the live streaming.

Mr Joseph Emmanuel, Director (Academics) CBSE, made the following opening statement- "This mission aims at introducing students to the joy of reading". He emphasised on promoting a reading culture from the initial years itself. He also emphasised the role of librarians in igniting the minds to this effect.

CBSE has collaborated with the Story Weaver website of Pratham Books: https://storyweaver.org.in/, to promote this reading mission. Ms Aparna Dixit of Pratham Books was the resource person at the webinar. She commenced her talk by encouraging all to read for pleasure and not under pressure. She emphasised the point that libraries are the dynamic space to nurture communities.

Ms Dixit explained the pedagogical concept of extensive reading to improve reading among learners. She shared the ten principles of extensive reading:

1: Children should have easy access to reading material.

2: They should also be able to access a wide range of topics.

3: Learners should also be allowed to exercise a choice in the reading material.

4: Students should read as much as possible.

5: Children should read for pleasure.

6: The preferred cycle for extensive reading is to read faster-read more-understand better-enjoy reading-read faster.

7: Reading is its own reward.

8: Reading is individual and silent.

9: Librarians must orient and guide their students.

10: Librarians are role models.

Ms Dixit disseminated the benefits of extensive reading :

A: Deepening and strengthening word knowledge by reinforcing vocabulary.

B: Improvement in the reading rate and reading fluency.

C: Fostering more positive reading attitudes and reading habits.

The focus of the webinar was to encourage more children to read.

To quote Dr Seuss, 'You can find magic wherever you look

Sit back and relax; all you need is a book.