
Chairman's talk on Time Management

On 26th August 2014, the students of class 10 were offered an invaluable opportunity to attend an interactive session with the Chairman of our School, Mr. Prafull Goradia. Mr. Goradia started the session by asking students to introspect on their day-to-day problems of managing time. Many wanted to know how to overcome the distractions which disturb their schedules. Others were curious to know what exactly is time management. Keeping the questions of the students in mind, Mr. Goradia proceeded to relate his views on the topic. He explained the advantages of time management and told us that time management is life management i.e. if we learn how to manage our time, we are basically drawing a map for our future.


Mr. Goradia also pointed out that a lot of our time is wasted everyday, trying to recollect things. For this he suggested a writing down the things we need to remember in a diary. He recounted incidents in his own life when he regretted both his lack of time management and its consequences! He advised us to start planning for the future in advance and to make a 3 year plan on what we seek to achieve and strategies to achieve them. Later, as the session was nearing its end, Mr. Goradia took questions from the eager students and answered them patiently. The session was humorous in some sections while a really interesting lesson overall. The students realised the importance of time management and were discussing it even during break following the talk. By Divyaanshu Panwar, X-B.