
Citizenship Assembly on 3rd October 2015 at 8 am

This special assembly, held on 3 October, 2015 at 8 am at School, showcased the recent achievements of The Citizenship Programme. It was also an occasion of recognition for the prize-winners of the Citizenship Holiday Homework activity. The occasion was attended by Ms. Madhavi Divan and the senior members of the faculty, parents of the participating children, the prize winners ( students and parents), members of the PTA and other teachers. The assembly was coordinated by Dr. Anu Singh and Ms. Sangeeta Aswani and conducted by Avni and Jaskirat of class 12. Support was lent was by Saksham, Aanchal and Himanshi of class 11. The assembly started with a lilting motivational song, ' Satyamev Jayate' by the Junior School choir. This song seemed to elevate the spirits of all those present and we moved on to the presentation of a PPT. This comprehensively carried us through the recent activities of our programmes in the classroom, an update on the latest products at Shramdaan, our work with charitable organisations, our efforts at women empowerment and a brief update on the Defence Colony Market Cleanliness Campaign. This was followed by an innovative Nukkad Natak on Cleanliness by the junior children, guided by Ms. Priya Manchanda. Since we live in a community, it is also essential to follow certain simple rules like keeping our surroundings clean, avoiding littering in public places, and refraining from spitting on the road. Cleanliness is much more than outward appearance. It is an all-embracing compulsory ethic of sound living. This performance was truly enjoyed and appreciated by the audience with a huge round of applause, and a few parents even entreated an encore! The students of class IV and V then presented a Recycling Rap, written by John Foster. The rap highlighted the importance of recycling, in order to make the best possible use of things and avoid wastage. This was followed by the Prize Distribution and for the first time, parents, children, teachers and PTA reps alike, were awarded with certificates of a ppreciation for their contribution to the programme. The children were awarded book vouchers and the parents and teachers were offered a plant from the school nursery. The prizes were given away by Ms. Divan, Ms. Joshi and Ms. Aswani. In her speech, Ms. Divan said she was happy to acknowledge that the project was actively spreading awareness not only among the children but also among the parents. She specially congratulated the children for their wonderful performances and the parents and teachers for their participation. She also congratulated the students for putting up a great show and wished the the best. The programme concluded with the Citizenship Anthem by the choir. The parents were invited for a cup of tea. Some of the feedback received from the parents after the programme is as under. The Citizenship initiative continues to encourage us all. The Nukkad Natak was not only able to deliver its message in a subtle way but also laid the foundation for the young ones to continue with activities which are an eye-opener for others. Lastly, I hope more and more citizens join to contribute to a better India.

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FIRST PRIZE - Jivjyot singh VII-B

The most influential person of India that I would consider is A.P.J Abdul Kalam. I would consider him as an influential person because a person who would sell newspapers in early times can become our 12th President. So, he can teach us many things. A.P.J Abdul Kalam was born at Dhanushkodi, Tamil Nadu on 15th October, 1931. Abdul Kalam was the first graduate of his family. He completed his graduation from St. Joseph College. After his graduation he received diploma in Aeronautical Engineering from Madras Institute of Technology. He went to join Indian Space Research Organization and became head of Defence Research and Development Organization. Under his stewardship, Indias missile development programme took rapid strides, culminating in the successful launches of the Trishul, Prithi, Agni, Nag and Akash Missiles. Abdul Kalam was conferred the Nations highest civilian honor, the Bharat Ratna in 1997. He had been honored with Padma Vibhushan in 1990. He was also known as the missile man. Dr Kalam was a man of distinction, a member of the minority community and, most important, an icon with the assertive class. Mr. Kalams selection as the president of India is classic example of the magic of democracy where a poor person got the most prestigious position. He is the best Influential personality.




A Top Tennis Beauty from India

India has produced several famous personalities that have excelled in their field. These Indian have battled against all odds and have reached the pinnacle of success by their courage, determination and perseverance. Their lives have inspired a whole generation of Indians and continue to inspire millions of Indians and others all around the world. From all of these SANIA MIRZA is one of my favourite. SANIA MIRZA inspired all of us as she is a great Tennis player. SANIA MIRZA is one of the most famous sports Celebrities in India. Sania was born on November 15, 1986 in Mumbai, India and currently resides in Hyderabad. Sania started playing tennis when she was six. Initially she was coached by her father lamran Mirza and later coached by Narendranath; After becoming professional tennis player in 2003, she showed her potential in the international tournament and eventually became the idol for the Indian youth. She got most of her career Successes in 2005 which made the way of getting her career best ranking 31 in the same year. This wonder girl won her first WTA title for the first time for an Indian in the Hyderabad Open defeating Vkrainian Alyona Bonderenko in the WTA ranking in the same year. Sania grabbed many records for India in her Short but glorious Career. Sania won 141 matches against 59 to losses in singles and in doubles She won 85 whereas Lost 46 matches in her Career. Moreover, Sania Mirza not only is famous for her performance in the tennis court rather her physical beauty also made her attractive and famous out of the court. She has already worked as model in the television advertisement for numerous Products. She is also famous for her social and charity works. She works for women empowerment in India for which she had to face Criticism in India for which she had to face criticism of media claiming that she is concentrating more in Social work rather than her games. Some Criticism also came from the Muslim leaders calling for her dress in the tennis court does not go with Muslim rules. Despite all Criticism she could set herself aloof enough to avoid the Criticism and Concentrate in tennis as well as in Social works. I really appreciate Sania Mirza. Although she hasnt really won many major International tournaments, she continues to inspire many in India, especially girls would like to emulate her. She is a role model to many upcoming tennis players from the country.



Chetan Bhagat is an author, columnist, and speaker He was born in New Delhi to middle class family. His father was officer in the army (Lt Col) and his mother was a government employee in the agriculture department. Bhagats education was mostly in Delhi. He attended Army public school, Dhaula Kuan, New Delhi (1978-1991). He studied Mechanical engineering at the Indian Institute of Technology Delhi (1991-1995). He graduated from the Indian Institute of Management Ahmedabad (1995-1997). He quit his banking Investment corner in 2009, to devote his entire time for writing. Bhagat is an author of many bestselling novels, 5 points someone(2004), one night at a call center (2005), The three mistakes of my life (2008), 2 states, Revolution 2020, and What young India wants. All the books have remained bestsellers since their release and three has inspired Bollywood films Including film 3 Idiots and Kai Po Che!. Bhagat writes Open columns for popular English and Hindi newspapers, focusing on youth, Career and Issues based on the national government.

THIRD PRIZE - Shristi 6 e

Saina Nehwal is an excellent Badminton player and she won India its third medal at the London Olympics and the first ever in badminton ; and is currently the second best badminton player in the world. Saina Nehwal already holds the title for the first Indian to the world junior badminton championships and the first Indian to win a super series tournament. In a country where cricket is the only sport synonymous with mullah, she became Indias highest paid non cricketing sportspersons when she signed as $ 7.4 million deal.


FIRST PRIZE - Deepak Rishi

I thought over the subject matter and persuasive reasons caused me to opine that Modi is the most dynamic personality of India .He started as a humble worker of the RSS with his sincere and dedicated service to the society and rendering of responsibility entrusted by the organization. This diligently led him to stride on the ladder of success holding important responsible position in the organization before becoming the CM of Gujarat.

Observing his sincere, dedicated work and desire to serve and uplift the society coupled with organizing administrative abilities and capabilities of good governance made him the choicest candidate of the BJP and the people of Gujarat for holding the position of CM of Gujarat. He focused his entire energy on building in Gujarat an able administration and good government. He relentlessly and dynamically worked for the upliftment of the state and the people of Gujarat. He planned and carried out different development projects and achieved phenomenal development and economic growth. This entire process of development is now popularly known as Gujarat model of development for the country.

In Mr. Narendra Modi, the people of India saw a dynamic, decisive and development-oriented leader who has emerged as a ray of hope for billion of Indians. His focus on development, eye for detail and efforts to bring a qualitative difference in the lives of the poorest of the poor have made Narendra Modi a popular and respected leader across the length and breadth of India. Narendra Modis life has been a journey of courage, compassion and constant hard work."The language was characteristic. Narendra Modi is not a modest man. Voters were disenchanted by rising prices and large-scale corruption in government. In the last year Lok Sabha election he rode to the victory as a savior on the wave of his popularity. The voters gave him the massive mandate and absolute majority crowning him as the PM of India.

Within last one year of his governance Mr. Modi has put the wheels of development on tracks which will lead the country to overall development in the coming course of time .His government has launched and is working on number of development projects such as infrastructure, economical, industrial, public utilities ,employment generation and communication etc.

He made a policy and transfer of technology for the manufacturing projects with foreign investments and collaboration .A friendly; hassle free business environment is being created to attract foreign investments. His government has launched number of welfare schemes for the poor and common man. Housing for poor , opening of accounts with the banks, accidental insurance schemes and toilets in every school are some of them.

He has done an excellent work in foreign affairs and developed economic, security related, scientific , diplomatic and friendly relations with different countries of the world in mutual national interest.

He popularized YOGA all over the world. The proposal to organise international YOGA day was supported by the 170 countries of the world in the UNO and it was decided that 22nd June of every year INTERNATIONAL YOGA DAY will be observed. Recently on 22nd June Yoga was observed and organised by the most countries of the world .Thus he popularised the cultural ethos of the country in the interest of human kind of the world.

His dynamic personality practically exhibited and proved in his actions and deeds on different fronts. He is the embodiment of excellent oratorical skills, decisive result oriented approach, long term planning vision, quick decision, clear focused approach ,risk taking capacity and thinking and analyzing traits. These attributes, reasons and achievements constitute his personality which convincingly explains that he is the most dynamic personality of India.




Once upon a time, I was playing football with my friends in a park. Suddenly I saw some senior citizens. They were sitting at one corner of the park. I thought they would be sitting only for taking rest butafter some time, I realized that they were sitting there for talking to each other. But when I looked as them very closely I realized tht they were not able to talk. When I went to them and wished them NAMASTE, they were trying to bless me but they could not because they were coughing so much due to the dust which was flying in the air. While playing football I suddenly took our my handkerchief and gave them to cover their nose and mouth. They blessed me saying you are a good boy. God will always bless you. I replied thank you.

Then I told my friends to leave from here and play football in another park. After shifting, the senior citizens returned my handkerchief and came to say thanks. I saw smiles and happiness. My friends and I decided to go to the General Secretary of our society and request them to convert the park into a beautiful garden only for senior citizens. He asked us the reason. I replied that only one park is more than enough for us to play. Senior citizens are also living in this society and have equal rights to use the park. But they dont sit because they are afraid of being hit by the ball and pay a big price for this. Then the general secretary said to me you are so bright kid who thinks of herself. I will support you. The I told my friends to thank him and left. The next day he bought beautiful plants and he also ordered benches. Me and my friends started planting trees. After a few days the park was totally converted into a beautiful garden with lots of swings for small children. The senior citizens were very happy because every morning they would come and may be do yoga. They always thanked me and my friends. They asked their sons to treat us at McDonalds, Dominoes and KFC. Everybody was very happy and proud of us.


After a lifetime of working and supporting their families, senior citizens deserve strong support from their communities. Senior citizens often have a hard time doing certain things. As a young person or an adult we can definitely contribute to the community and help our fellow human beings. Just by knowing a few steps on how to help our senior citizens can be a good start. If we plan accordingly everything should work out fine.

Make a plan we should start our planning based around the seasons throughout the year. This is important because in each season we can accomplish a few goals to help senior citizens.

Help them with gardening During spring time there are a variety of flowers blooming. Senior citizens love gardening and often require steady hands for the job. We can help senior citizens by lending a hand.

Help them enjoy their summer The summer is a great time to be outside and contribute to the community. They love walking out in the sun, going to the pool for swimming. We can help them to walk also.

Keep an eye out Going out alone for the elderly people can be dangerous. We can help them by keeping a close watch on them. This would definitely be a wonderful thing to help them.

Promote sense of purpose Seniors with a sense of purpose or hobbies that really interest them are less likely to succumb to the negative effects of social isolation. Volunteering is a great way of maintaining and expressing a sense of purpose.



We ar taught to respect everyone especially those who were older and wiser than we were from whom we could learn. Things are fast changing nowadays and elders dont have much of a role in the family any longer. There is no one to listen to them nor do their children live near or with them.

Deteriorating health, malnutrition, lack of shelter, fear, sensitivity, isolation, boredom, non productivity, and financial incapacity are the most common problems that senior citizens all over the world face today. Respect towards elders is fast declining in the society.

The elders need to be honored and respected for all that they have done for us and the society in general. Gratitude comes in many forms and we can express it by way of love, kindness and simply by respecting them. The elderly were once young and strong. They worked hard and make a living and gave the best years of their lives to raise their children by caring, protecting and nurturing them.

Respecting the elderly doesnt mea n just to limit it to love and kindness. We should make them involved in things that they are capable of doing. This will make them feel respected that their contribution is valued. We should remember that what goes around comes around. It is the basic law f nature and karma. We should never forget how we will like to be treated and should treat the elderly in the same way. If we havent been respecting the elderly so far, its never too late to begin.

Any day is a new day to start. Treat the elderly with dignity care love and respect. We owe respect and honor towards them. The best classroom in the world is at the feet of an elderly person. Respect is what we owe, love is what we give Philips James Bailey.


Growing old is not a crime not is it an excuse to avoid modern life. Senior citizens are person above the age of 60 years, the age of retirement from service life. Our grandparents are senior citizens of our family. They share their valuable life experiences to improve our loving and make our lives enjoyable. Our parents tell us good stories with moral teaching/lessons to become a good citizen in our future.

We all owe senior citizens our respect and gratitude after all with age comes wisdom. Senior citizens dont have anything to prove to younger neighbours but they do have plenty of opportunities to teach or interact with them. Rather than relegate senior citizens to the side lines of life, we should celebrate them and work to enable them to more fully become integrated in society. Having achieved retirement age, many citizens desire a new challenge. They may decide to take up a new hobby ranging from gardening, playing a musical instrument, learning a foreign language or photography. Our government should owe senior citizens numerous services designed to improve their lives.



I am the movement called time -

the movement which makes you witness visible changes

in your thoughts and as well as in your physical aspects

nobody escapes my rule - all that is green today shall turn dry and brown

all that is ripe today shall get rotten and wither away

for 'change' the wheel of my cart

and change is for the better!

Time- time is the entity that causes humans and all the manifested beings to experience life the way

they experience it. The life of each human being can be broadly divided into these stages: brahmin,

grihastha, vanaprastha and sannyasa.

The 'brahmin' and 'grihastha' stage signify the accumulation of knowledge and then application of

knowledge. The vanaprastha stage signifies the age upto 60 years, wherein an individual is expected to

guide the family members, and finally the sannyasa stage, which means total renunciation of worldly


The first two stages of life are extremely busy. But the last two stages of life are those which a human

should enjoy and cherish as s/he has lived a full life and has had enriching experiences. But, is this really

happening? I am afraid that we live in a 'human jungle', where 'standardized' humanity is produced on

an assembly line!

For people upto the age of 50 years, there are opportunities to earn and live a life where major chunk of

time is occupied by the workplace. But for people who are categorized as 'old', our human society does

not have much to offer. Earlier, we had government jobs and after retirement, people got pension. But

now, after privatization this benefit is also gone. The only saviour is the investments. But this is only the

monetary aspect!

Often old age is characterized by physical ailments, and now, another addend is - loneliness. With

nuclear families becoming a trend , often the older generation is expected to fend for itself. Not only

children get busy with their lives, our government is doing little to understand the needs of the elderly


In the Western world, they do have 'Old Age Homes' and some of them take good care of the elderly

people, but for a good price. Considering the population type of India, Indians cannot shell a huge

amount of money for taking care of their emotional, psychological and bodily needs in the old age.

So, it is the duty of each Indian in this democracy to identify the challenges related to old age and come

up with a participatory model for addressing the challenges that have arisen due to nuclear families.

Children will have to move where their job takes them - but what about those two individuals who are

left behind? What and whom do they wait upon? Its time we all wake up to the staring question and

come up with solutions for largely neglected population of the society. Remember, we too are getting

old! Time will not spare us also.

Ishaan Wadhwa

IV - D


We owe to the senior citizens of our society, what we expect to get tomorrow! What we reap is what we earn! No matter what the dynamics of the world is, the truth is that we all gyrate towards being senior citizens. And a system needs to be in place for the betterment of our senior citizens, a system defined by love and awareness, and the rest follows. Is it not true that the senior citizens are alike the kids, in their requirements of support? The debilitating impact of age, the decreasing physical energy, the despair of a declining metabolism, the bereavement of their elders, friends etc, in short, the sense of losing what they once held, is even more killing than what the innocent young kids could feel! Why would then we be oblivious to the obviousthe breaking up of the joint family system, migration of the younger generation for better opportunities, evolution of nuclear families, the telling generation gap (it used to be 20 years, but now generations even 5-10 years apart are distinguishable in their socio-economic-behavioural pattern!), the steep demands of the economythe world is definitely becoming a smaller place, but is giving rise to the individualistic pattern of society. So what can we do?? There is no single solution, for if there were one, there has been no dearth of socially enlightened Indians who would have implemented it decades ago! From an administrative point of view, the Aadhaar and envisaged social security system must look at maintaining a smart card linked unified database. The idea is to get a sub-economy going, within the existing economy, as any system with output expected off it, needs an input. Elders, both males and females, can be suitably and gainfully re-employed, also for the household activities (contributes towards household income!). Public utility services including health care centres be linked to the smart cards. The really needy ones, in terms of finances and health, be subsidised through the sub-economy, and the Government. The legal system needs to be galvanised for working 24X7, much like their medical counterparts. With inputs in manpower and resources, the legal system will become much more amiable to the needs of the elderly. From a social point of view, let us be more humane. Let us not occupy the seats reserved for the elderly in the bus, and not assume that the elderly cannot occupy other than those! Let us give a helping hand to the senior citizen crossing the road (tough task in Delhi!), he may be the same human being who helped us out when we used to fall on the road while learning to ride a bicycle! Let us be, simply human From a family point of view, there is only one thing that our elders yearn for.our time


India has been home to tradition rich in cultural, moral and family values

since time immemorial. These values kept on passing on from one age to next

age and from one generation to next generation through their actual practice in

life and stories about legends like Shravan Kumar, Rama etc. Respect and care

of elderly has been a part of our culture and elderly people in our families and

societies have always been given due importance. Our forefathers used to live in

joint families and in those old days kids in a family grew learning these values

through their practical display by parents, uncles, aunts etc.

However, with the growing economic development, there has been rapid

urbanisation, change in working environment which has culminated into changed

social fabric and destroyed the system of joint family in the country. People are

moving from towns to cities, from smaller cities to metros and from India to other

countries in search of better job opportunities leaving the parents and

grandparents behind alone, who develop a sense of insecurity on account of

increased medical needs due to old age, low or no source of income, increasing

crime against elderly, emotional drainage etc. It is not always true that children

leave their parents alone back at home with an intention to leave them in lurch.

This situation is occasioned, on majority of times, because of financial and

infrastructure constraints that force children to do so. At present the problem

faced by elderly in India is so huge that the Government of India had to enact a

law to address the issue of insecurity among the elderly. The law provides that

maintenance of parents would be the prime responsibility of children, grand

children or even relatives who are likely to inherit the property of the senior

citizen. Enactment of law itself proves that the society is lacking in fulfilling its

responsibilities towards the elderly who brought us in this world and made us

learn to stand and helped all along in becoming whatever we are today.

We, therefore, need to do create such an environment where we can

keep up pace with the changing world and at the same time ensure that the

people who were so important for us in our early phase of our life are not

neglected in their late phase of life. First of all we need to lead by example and

inculcate the feeling of respect for elders in our children by showing due respect

to our elders and providing the facilities they require for normal living. Even if we

are forced to stay away from parents/grandparents due to job or other reasons,

we must pay regular visits to their place, keep in touch over phone, ensure that

they do not face any financial crunch, attend to their medical needs timely. Their

basic requirements can be taken care of by our friends/relatives who staying

near parents place. But this would work only if we also reciprocate and take

care of elderly people in their families as and when possible. As rightly said by

Pearl S Buck (1892-1973),:

Our society must make it right and possible for old people not to fear the

young or be deserted by them, for the test of a civilization is the way that it cares

for its helpless members." We need to ensure that we build a better civilisation by caring for old

people who need as much care as small kids.



It is an excellent question and a burning question of our society today. Our society has changed a lot. It is no more a joint family nowadays. In a single unit family a senior citizens is sent to an old age home. We, the younger generation can always help the senior citizens in a pleasant and different manner. They have done so much for us. In the need of solving a medical problem, we can arrange for an ambulance for taking the patient to a nearby good hospital. Some known doctors, parents friends can always be consulted. Some funds can be collected for the medicines. In case of surgery, Government hospitals can be thought of.

They should have social gatherings also where they can sing, recite, express and exchange their views with smiling faces. We can arrange for some programmes to entertain this generation and sometimes movie shows can entertain them, of course regular television shows should also be available. We can raise some funds with the help of an NGO for these people and deposit it in the bank at 9.5% interest and use the funds in case of emergency.

Legal problems of these problems if needed can be easily solved by lawyer and advocates of the younger generation. It is a challenge for the younger people to see the smiling faces of older people. Last but not least the elderly people can join a club where they can share their views, witness, sadness, happiness and day to day activity. An example of this type of club in THE MORNING CLUB at Shiv Mandir Kalibari in Chittaranjan Park, New Delhi.


October 1st of every year is observed as World

Senior Citizens Day

A community is known by the way it treats vulnerable sections of society such

as the elderly. Traditionally, in India, it has been a part of our culture, for

society and the family to take care of older persons. Senior Citizens are held in

high esteem and are given priority and respect in all matters.

Today, rapid urbanization and the compulsions of modern working conditions

have led to a breakdown of the traditional joint family system resulting in the

growth of nuclear families. Better medical facilities have led to increased

longevity. The number of Senior Citizens in the country has been steadily


As their children settled down in other cities, many parents, who had

conventionally enjoyed a place of pride in the family, found themselves living

alone. The frailty of old age combined with health problems, crimes by anti

social elements and insufficient income has left them with a feeling of rising

insecurity. Children, being busy with their new lives, are unable to visit

regularly. Parents have to cope single-handedly, which is quite difficult

considering their limited earnings.

Parents and Senior Citizens form a physically and mentally active segment of

society with twin strengths as consumers and voters. Hence, strong measures

were needed to alleviate the pains of this vulnerable section, which comprises a

sizeable chunk of the population.

With this in mind, the Government enacted the Senior Citizen Act in 2007 as an

answer to the insecurities faced by older persons of the country. An initiative of

the Ministry of Social Justice and Empowerment, this Act accords prime

responsibility for the maintenance of parents on their children, grand children or

even relatives who may possibly inherit the property of a Senior Citizen. It also

calls upon the State to provide facilities for poor and destitute older persons.

The National Portal of India has a Senior Citizen Corner that offers information

of special help to older persons in the country. It provides details about health

ailments, old age homes, government schemes, travel concessions, loans,

benefits and a lot more. The main aim of this section is to make the lives of

Senior Citizens safer, securer and financially sound.

By bringing out the Maintenance and Welfare of Parents and Senior Citizens

Act, the Government has taken a small step towards bringing a smile to the

faces of the elders of our society. As a nation, it is every citizens duty to ensure

that Senior Citizens live a happy, healthy and secure life. They took care of us

in their youth and helped us grow; we owe them a better tomorrow.

We are busy in our lives

We have our priorities

But in this hasty life, we forget

That our parents are getting old as well

40% of our elders feel Lonely, Isolated and Ignored

Just take out some time

Just Talk, Lets talk


Senior citizens are not just some group of people we can ignore and leave others to deal with them. In fact, these citizens comprise of people such as our own parents or grandparents. We may not directly owe anything to them but we certainly cannot deny the fact that our very existence is because of them. Some of them may have all the love and luxuries we can only aspire for our own old age, but for those who dont, it is our responsibility and duty to make their later years, worth living. The faster and busier our work and life becomes, the opposite may be true for senior citizens. Even if they keep up with times mentally, physically and emotionally, they may need our time and patience. They may not ask for our money but time. Medically, they may need more care and attention, just the way we did once we were a child. We need to ensure that there are enough hospitals built in a city or town that are easily accessible. We also need to ensure that these hospitals are equipped and have trained staff to handle senior citizens. Health being the most important aspect of senior citizens, parks should be built near every housing area. Most important of all, senior citizens need our love and support to make it through their second phase of being fragile, physically and emotionally, after childhood. We must not forget that one day; we will also be a senior citizen needing the care and love that are discussing for someone else today.




Though I cant call myself a Dilliwala as I am not born and brought up in Delhi but I still cant restrain myself from writing on My Delhi because I am very much in love with this city. There are many facets which compel people in one or other way to become an ardent admirer of Delhi.

This third largest city of the world surrounded by the river Yamuna in the east, and Aravali ranges in the South and the West, is basically divided into two parts, old Delhi and New Delhi. It is the Capital of India mainly because of its strategic location in respect of political angle.

The city is a combination of both State of the Art modern and heritage buildings. It is a travelers paradise in many ways be it its monument like Humayun Tomb, Purana Qila, Red Fort, Qutub Minar, Jama Masjid or modern structures like India Gate, Lotus Temple and Birla Mandir etc.,

For youngsters opportunities galore here as Indias Capital is the Mecca for Education. Shopping is a joy here. Foodies find it as their ultimate destination with its Pan Indian Cuisine as well as global culinary like Chinese, Thai, Italian etc., with its best ever taste.

A new feather has been added to the pride of India with the addition of the Delhi Metro more than ten years ago and gradually becomes the life line of Delhi.

Being a hard core greenery lover, I adore Delhi for its wide range of parks specially in South Delhi are and tree lined avenues which shows its colorful delight coupled with mesmerizing greenery in different seasons.

The citys cosmopolitan vivacity reflects in celebration of festivals and cultural activities by different communities with equal gaiety.

One thing contrasts with lots of positivity is its extreme summer and winter but still Dilli ki sardi has its own charm. Through the Yamuna, the life line of both ecology and water supply is in dire straits, still the implementation of CNG in the transport sector and various steps towards say no to plastics is providing to the mission clean Delhi, green Delhi.



Dilli dilwalon ki

I asked my soul, what is Delhi? She replied, the world is the body and Delhi its life.

Not only for food, monuments, wide roads, Delhi is known for its rich culture, history and art. Delhi, the heart of India, is the only city with all the colors, all the 4 seasons and is full of life. It lives up to its name, this city.

In ancient times, the city was knows as Indraprastha. It rose to power and eminence. The rulers who came to power made monuments, buildings, temples, mosques, tombs, churches, palaces etc., This serves as a great source of information on social, political, religious and economic life of the contemporary society. They contain great architectural beauty and historical value. They offer great attraction to tourists from within and outside the country.

People from all parts of the country live in Delhi which makes thecity very cosmopolitan in nature and there is unity among the citizens from all caste and creed. Be it Holi, Diwali, Id, Guru Purab or Budh Purnima, it is the same vigor and bliss among people from different communities.

Shopping and mall culture in Delhi has changed the way people used to shop earlier. Delhi is the third largest city in the world. It is also the second largest metropolis after Mumbai. Delhi has always been a hub of activity , art, fashion, culture and will continue to be so.



Being born and brought up in the Capital, I do have a Dilliwala attitude. We often say that Delhi is a city of large hearted people or so to say. Like all Delhites, I leave no stone unturned when I am celebrating, be it birthdays, anniversaries, or festivals. When you have to celebrate, then why not do it in style? Newbies in Delhi sure think us ti be show-offs but for a Dilliwala, it is just a way of life. Outsiders complain that I am a loudmouth but I am just a dilliwala. Like all Dilliwalas, I have at least one article of clothing bought from Sarojini Nagar, Janpath and Central Market. Not only do these places offer you a wide variety, but you can buy everything at fairly reasonable rates. Lets face it, there is no fun in shopping unless you bargain! Haggling is an ingrained habit of all Delliwalas, an almost unique talent. Ice cream doesnt taste the same unless you have had it late at night at India Gate. And each and every outing is complete only when you have clicked a dozen selfies. No other paratha tastes like the one from parathey wali gali. That and yumilicious street food are sure to get a true Dilliwala like me slaving over it. Everyone knows about Purana Qila and Humayuns tomb but a true Dilliwala knows about places like Ugrasen ki Baoli and the Chillah Nizammudin AUlia which historians believe to be the residence of Delhis oatron saint all alomg.

The Delhi Metro is rightfully the citys pride. After all it is the second best Metro in the world. This is Delhi at its best. Clean and punctual, it almost functions like a parallel universe of the Delhi loeft above ground. I get excited at any shot of my city in any movie. Or anyone else for that matter. I might never buy stuf from the mall, but it sure is one of my all time favourite destinations to go to during summer vacations. I dont think it will be fair to leave out the late night weddings at Chattarpur which every Dilliwala attends and yet gets exasperated about it. Traffic, the locations, traffic, the tardiness and clothes are some of the things that drive us crazy. It annoys me no end when people say the Noida dn Gurgaon are almost Delhi. Do you say that Thane is almost Mumbai? Or that Chicago is almost Indiana? Doesnt seem fair!!!!!

Deep down, I know that Delhi has its own falling just like every other city but it is still the best city in the world for me, and you are bound to get a cracked rib uf you say otherwise in front of me. I may crib about my city but no one else is allowed to do that !

(supported by pictures )


The state exists to promote the welfare of the individual. The individual members of a state have been called in recent times its citizens. Etymyloogically considered CITIZENSHIP, impies the fact of residence in a city. But nowadays the world has come to have amuch larger meaning. We say CITIZEN OF INDIA although India is not a city. So a citizen means a member of a community or a state. Born and brought up in Delhi, you have been withstanding the wrath of Delhis extreme weather and mastered the Dilli slang, you know where to shop, you are a true Dilliwala at heart. You are accustomed to the unpredictable weather of Delhi. You are always ready fir the scorching heat and you know you will be swimming your way to work in the monsoon and you know to turn winter into an opportunity to go on a shopping spree.

THE PRICE IS NEVER RIGHT According to you the price is never right whether shopping at Sarojini pr Janoath. Quote an amount halfway, if the shop wala refuses just move on to the next shop and you will get your goody for the price you were ready to pay. Every Dilliwala has mastered this art. THE ART OF BARGAINING.

We dont suffer from a language crisis, we speak HINGLISH One language is not enough neither English nor Hindi.

STREET FOOD is Delhis lifeline. You can never get enough of all the chaat, dahi bhalla, papdi, golgappe and aloo tikki and an assorted range of heavenly street food.

THE JUGADU DELHI WALA - You know every possible Jugaad there is to know. Delhites know the fix for every issue fro repairing broken pipes to broken relationships, literally everything.

YOU KNOW WHERE TO SHOP you know every nook and corner of Delhi You know tht Paharganj is for leather, Nai sarak is for books, Chandni Chowk is for embroidered bags and silk garments and Sarojini is for the clothes.

METRO IS THE LAST RESORT - having car trouble or your bike is out of fuel, not to worry, we always have the metro to our rescue

DELHI VERSUS OTHER CITIES you are always ready to set ablaze the stage when stuck in a DELHI VERSUS OTHER CITIES debate to enlighten others of the virtues of Delhi


Delhi, the capital of India, is an amazing city. It has people from all parts of the Country. No matter from which part of the country you are, once you start living in Delhi, you start loving it. Delhi has a variety of cultures and practices. It has a very long history that has left its impression on the monuments, the markets and the streets of the city. Every historical monument has a wonderful story linked to it.

Delhi has many faces from Chandni Chowk old Delhi, to shopping malls, New Delhi. The city has many things for enjoyment for everyone like shopping malls, exhibitions, fairs, theatres, parks, stadiums, open markets etc., This city is a blend of modern and traditional. Everything can be found here from old to the very latest. You name it and Delhi has it.

Delhi is famous for its variety of cuisines from Indian to International. Road side eateries in Delhi are very popular. Most popular are the parathe wali gali, ghantewala halwai, Bengali Market, Greater Kailash. The most popular mouth watering food items in Delhi are Gol gappa chat, chole bhature,rabri faluda, paneer tikka and many more. You cant resist all these things while living here.

Being the Capital of India Delhi is also famous for activities of various political leaders.Many revolutions have its roots in Delhi Ramleela Maidan and Janter Manter are famous for such activities. How can we forget Anna Hazare movement that shook the country.

I am a true Delhite and can say I am a Dilliwala. I have been born and brought up here, and Delhi is a city of every Dilliwala. I am full of life and love to explore my city everyday.