
Citizenship Programme initiative: Origami lesson for a neighbourhood MCD school

A workshop in Origami was held at the MCD school in Sadiq Nagar on 27 January 2020. Ms Parul Singh, art teacher, conducted the workshop as the aegis of the Citizenship Programme at our School. The workshop was conducted for the students of primary classes in the school multipurpose hall from 8:30 to 9:30 a.m. Forty students of classes II-V attended the workshop. [gallery link="file" order="DESC"] Origami is the Japanese art of folding paper into decorative items and shapes. Ms Singh told the students about the origin of Origami and also explained its importance. The students were taught to make small useful decorative items like flowers, butterflies, fish and even a paper house! The children were provided with art material to give shape to their artistic cravings. The efforts threw up interesting displays of two-dimensional and three dimensional novelties made of origami paper. At the end of the workshop, every child carried back one or more origami item and a beautiful smile indicative of the time well-spent at learning something useful!