
Citizenship programme- Motivational talk

The lows of life expose the strength of ones character. We lend much relevance to what has passed or what the future holds-that which lies in between is missed out. The present is truly what its name suggests -a present ( gift). These were precious thoughts that kept Ms. Vanshaja Shukla motivated to fight her cancer at the young age of 30.

On 9 December17, the Citizenship Programme organised a motivational talk by Supreme Court advocate, Ms. Vanshaja Shukla, a cancer survivor.

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Ms. Shukla is a perfect example of grit, determination and positivity. From the time her illness was diagnosed, she took photographs of the way she looked at every stage of the ailment- when she lost her hair and when it grew back, etc. She decided never to wear a wig even at work because she wanted to be acknowledged for her work and not for the way she looked! She never let her professional commitments suffer on account of her treatment.

The video of her journey was indeed very inspiring. She spoke to sensitise students on how they should interact with friends or relatives fighting a grave disease. She said one must never give advice as the patient is likely to already be doing what is advised. One should be extremely positive in ones interaction, never extend sympathy; only empathy.

Ms. Shukla advised the young listeners not to withhold appreciation for loved ones- if you feel your parents have done something special for you, go and give them a hug and seize the moment who has fought the odds with her positive attitude.

We presented Ms. Shukla with a hamper of candles and thanked her for her wonderful words of inspiration.

Ms. Sangeeta Aswani, Citizenship coordinator.