
Citizenship Programme : SAY NO TO PLASTIC CAMPAIGN

On Thursday, 7th July 2022, The Citizenship Programme of The Indian School organised a campaign to sensitise students, teachers and parents about the recent ban of single use plastic in accordance with the Plastic Waste Management Rules (2021).

At 7 am, students held up an attractive handmade banner bearing the slogan "SAY NO TO PLASTIC" on the main road outside schooland accompanied by the beat of a drum. They spoke to passers about the ban, its importance and how we can help eliminate single use plastic. Passersby like parents and students stopped to listen to their message and quite a few members of the public and parents responded with a thumbs up! The campaign continued till 7.45 am.

Following thistle, the children visited the nearby Andrews Ganj Government School at 8 am and conveyed the same message to the students there in Hindi accompanied by a question-answer session. They urged the young listeners to take the message home and convince their parents to invest in a cloth bag and refuse to accept plastic bags while shopping for groceries. They explained how the use of plastic is harmful for the environment and for animals.

On 11th July 2022, our students visited the Sadiq Nagar Government School and conveyed the same message to the students with a new banner. They started the session with some simple breathing exercises and then went on to explain the harmful effects of single use plastic. They got the children repeat the slogan "SAY NO TO PLASTIC - SAY YES TO CLOTH BAGS".

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The Principal of the school, Ms Premlata thanked the students and Ms Aswani for their continuous efforts to work with her school and even handed us a letter acknowledging the same.

At school, students of class 5 started a campaign to sensitise students about the importance of waste segregation. The dustbins inside school have been labelled accordingly and students went around the classes urging their peers to follow the rules of waste segregation according to the labels clearly displayed on the dustbins. The bins have been mainly classified as below.

0- Classroom waste pencil shavings and paper

1- Dry waste paper plates, spoons, ice cream sticks, paper cups

2- Wet waste left over food, vegetable/fruit peel, tea bags, leaves, garden waste

3- Chemical waste refill of pens, expired batteries, bandages, bulbs, chemical waste from labs