
Citizenship Visit to Palna for orientation on oral hygiene

On 28 November, 2018, GurMehr Gulati, Harshit Sethi, Anushka Saxena (9D) and Roshan Sahalwani (9D), accompanied by Ms. S. Aswani visited Palna to on 28 November, 2018, to conduct an orientation for awareness amongst the children there on the importance of oral hygiene.

Our students began by introducing themselves and then proceeded to explain in a simple way the why and how of brushing ones teeth. They showed how teeth can quickly develop cavities and how these can be easily avoided if we look after them.

After a quick question- answer session, the students gifted the children a colourful toothbrush each. The following are some thoughts shared by our GurMehr Gulati-

Helen Keller once said, I cried because I had no shoes until I met a boy who had no feet! We often take for granted the very things that most deserve our gratitude todays visit to Palna. The place was very enlightening and aroused a deep sense of gratitude inside us for everything we have.

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The experience was life changing and overwhelming.. The privileges we presume to be our birthright are the very things that these kids dream, desire and pray for.

A few things that touched my heart were:

A basket at the entrance that receives new life in live and warmth. The helpers tending to the innocent inmates with care and patience-they never seem to exhaust.

The children seeming confident and happy.

I sincerely thank my school for giving me and my classmates this opportunity & Sangeeta maam for accompanying & leading us. It was a very satisfying experience for all of us, as we could spend time with little bundles of joy and bring smiles on their faces albeit briefly.

Today it came to us as a realisation to all four of us that if is our duty to share our privileges, contribute to society and understand our social responsibility towards those not as fortunate as us.

Gurmehr Gulati, 9D