
Class 1 Orientation for 2016-17

Parents of class 1, academic session 2016-17, were invited to attend an orientation programme on 11th March 2016 in the School auditorium. The programme began with a warm welcome and hymn sung by the junior school choir. This was followed by a motivational song. Principal Ms. Tania Joshi addressed the parents. Our School ethos, philosophy and important information about what School expects of parents was articulated by both the Principal and Head Teacher, Ms. Neena Maini. They also spoke about effective parenting.

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The programme progressed with a power-point presentation by Ms. Sonia Nayar and Ms. Shweta Arora.The presentation gave an overview of the different subjects at class 1 level and also about self-directed, hands-on learning activities which not only give vent to creative talents and energies but also help in holistic development. The programme concluded with an inspirational clip from the Citizenship Programme followed by the School song.

Ms. Neena Maini.