
Class 11 interacts online with an educator in Kuwait

The Commerce students of classes 11 and 12 engaged in an online interactive session with Ms Goldie Thomas, HOD English, Don Bosco School, Kuwait, on 18 February 2022 from 11.30 am to noon.

The session, a perfect example of a hybrid learning environment, saw the participation of 35 students on the topic, 'Shifting trends in the economic sector in the different fields of business, medical and education during the pandemic'. The Indianites had assembled in the audio-video room at School for the virtual interaction with the guest speaker.

Ms Thomas commenced the workshop by asking the students about online and offline schooling and which is the more economical option of the two. Most students felt that the online model was less costly because it saved them the travel cost. They were surprised to learn that the statistics point otherwise as investment in buying new phones, laptops and tablets surpasses the travel costs by a large margin!

The session saw an avid engagement of the audience on the effects of the global pandemic on our lives. Ms Thomas reflected upon how the pandemic has become a part of our lives and how we must adapt to it gradually and wisely.

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The erudite speaker interacted virtually by posing myriad questions to the students and teachers alike. The Indianites adroitly fielded questions on companies that saw a boom during the pandemic and how different sectors of the economy were affected. The engaging session concluded successfully, leaving the guest speaker very impressed by the erudite responses of her audience.

The session provided international exposure to our budding entrepreneurs. It was a great eye-opener and garnered a round of applause from the students and their teachers.

Mr Ramesh Kumar, Commerce teacher at our School, delivered the vote of thanks. He expressed heartfelt gratitude to her for making time to enlighten the students.