
Class 12 Art Students Visit an Art Exhibition

On 12 April 2023, five students of class XII, along with their art teacher, visited an art exhibition at Bikaner House. The exhibition Melody of Life exhibited works of four artists from West Bengal namely, Subrata Das, Samir Sarkar, Shampa Sircar Das and Shyamal Mukherjee.

Subrata Dass work portrayed the Radha Krishna legend through village life. These compositions depicted aspects of rural India, for an urban audience. Samir Sarkars compositions also demonstrated this tradition as they depicted figures in romantic rural settings creating a sense of fairy tale figuration. In one of his works, an army jeep against a stark red background was very evocative.

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Shampa Sircar Dass work created an ethereal ambience with a human face sharing space with a peacock, a swan, fish and a lotus pond. Her use of blue and green gave her composition a dreamy look. Shyamlal Mukherjees work displayed the tongue in cheek expression with a sense of exaggeration on a clear acrylic sheet, layered with colours in reverse.

The works of these artists reflected a neo-realism based on composition, a colourful harmony, embedded in the medium itself with elements like virtual reality, tongue in cheek romanticism and post modernism. Apart from these compositions, one could enjoy the works of artists like Vinod Sharma, who works with oil on canvas to create exquisite landscapes, and Dipali Bhattacharya whose work on women figures using multimedia, was a delight!

The works of all the artists were intriguing and inspiring. Each composition left us with food for thought as we jotted the information and the different perspectives gained, in our notebooks for discussion in our next art class. We returned to School, enriched with fresh ideas to paint our canvasses with colours of our imagination and creativity.

It was indeed a day spent well!

Aadya Garg, XII-E