
Class 2A and C interact online with peers in Greece

Students of class 2A and 2C at The Indian School, Skyped their peers studying at the 2o, Nipiagogeio School in Greece on 26 November 2021. Ms Sofia Zax (Greece), Shikha Sharma and Ms Ishleen Saluja (India) facilitated the virtual interaction between the 4-6 year-olds of both schools at 1 pm IST.

The youngsters eagerly waited for the session to commence. Their eagerness and enthusiasm to make new friends and learn about different cultures knew no bounds. The exuberant Indianites were more than happy to acquaint their online friends with the Indian national symbols, cuisines, dances and festivals.

Zeus Rajpal of class 2A warmly welcomed the Greek students and their teacher, Ms Sofia. Zeus had the advantage of having visited Greece andhe shared pictures of his trip. He also exhibited the rich Indian culture and heritage in a power point presentation and this was met with resounding applause and much appreciation by the young Greek children.

Next, Nihaan Kaushal engaged his audience in an eclectic display of visuals featuring several unusual places to visit in India and followed it up with an engaging quiz on the same!

Kimaya Sharma of class 2C shared details of the Thanksgiving activity done by class 2. The children had made posters of all that they are thankful for, for example, friends and family. Touched by the sentiment expressed through this activity, Ms Sofia said that although they do not celebrate Thanksgiving in Greece, she would do likewise in her class.

Pritisha Agarwal and Shreeja of class 2A presented a beautiful dance for their peers, who applauded their efforts across the thousands of miles.

Ms Sofia and her students Dimitris, Alex, Michaela and Loaonis thanked the Indianites for their presentations. Not being fluent in English, their teacher assisted them in answering the questions on Greece, its weather, language, cuisine, etcetera, asked by their Indian counterparts.

The students on both sides shared information about their respective countries. The session ended with a beautiful bhajan sung by Advait Dubey of class 2A.

TheIndianites introduced the young Greeks to the Indian way of life and traditions with much patriotic fervour.

Sessions like these help children widen their horizons. They get to learn about different countries, receiving an international experience and global exposure.


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