
Class 6 excursion to Teen Murti Museum

A group of 106 students of class VI accompanied by 5 teachers enjoyed their excursion to Teen Murti House on the morning of 5 February 2020.

The majestic property on an area of 44.74 acres lies to the south of Rashtrapati Bhawan and derives its name from the 3 statues of soldiers representing the lancers of Mysore, Jodhpur and Hyderabad. The statues were installed in 1922 in the memory of the sacrifice of Indian soldiers during the First World War in Sinai, Palestine and Syria.

The magnificent structure was built in 1930 and designed in an austere classical style by Robert Tor Russel as a part of the new capital city. It served as the residence of the Commander-in-Chief of the British Indian Army. After Independence, it was converted into the residence of Indian Prime Minister, Jawahar Lal Nehru at that time. The Teen Murti Bhavan was his residence for 16 years until his death in 1964, after which the house was converted into a memorial dedicated to him. It is at this house that Nehru, undertook economic and social reconstruction of the young nation.

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Today, Teen Murti Bhavan houses various institutions including the Nehru Memorial Museum and Library which operates the Indian Ministry of Culture. The museum ingeniously displays a series of inter-linked exhibitions. These depict the different phases of colonial history as well as the epic story of our struggle for freedom through contemporary photographs, photocopies of manuscripts, letters, newspapers, periodicals and other documentary details.

Parts of Teen Murti House, namely the reception, bedroom, drawing room and study room, have been preserved as they were during the lifetime of Jawaharlal Nehru. The excited students peered into the rooms through the glass panes and wondered how things would have been during the lifetime of Pandit Nehru!

The Bhavan houses the offices of the Jawaharlal Nehru Fund. The students were amazed to learn that mementos from various nations including England, Nepal, Somalia, China etc., are also preserved there.

The excited group explored the protected monument called Kushak Mahal, a hunting lodge was built during the reign of Feroz Shah Tughlaq.

Teen Murti Bhawan is a masterpiece in terms of architecture and teaches us that even after so many years its iconic architecture can never be underestimated and will always remain a great legacy. The Museum and the library occupy a unique place in the realm of historical research.

After enjoying the walk in the Museum, the students basked in the sun. They played dumb charades based on what they had learnt inside the museum. The game turned out to be an interesting way of recapitulating what they had just seen.

Manya, VI-B