
Class 7 learns about Sustainability at Waste to Wonder Park

An excursion to Waste to Wonder Park was organised for the students of class VII on 28 January 2020.

The excursion was organised to enlighten and sensitise the students about the need to recycle waste material and show them renewable natural resources being harnessed for the production of electricity

The enthusiastic group of 84 children was accompanied by their teachers on this fun-filled journey by bus which began at 9:30 am. The weather was ideal for spending the day outdoors.

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Waste to Wonder Park is an architectural marvel which proves that something created from scrap can look so surreal!

The park features life size replicas of the iconic Seven Wonders of the World. The sculptures are created from industrial and other waste, mostly thrown away automobile parts, broken metal utensils and pipes. The SDMC has harnessed wind and solar energy to meet its electricity consumption.

The children thoroughly enjoyed their day. The smiles on their faces expressed a lot more than words could describe. The learning did not end there. The experience provided them an opportunity to learn an important lesson on sustainability through a real life demonstration of reuse and recycling of waste material.