
Class Assembly on Transport by Pre school Capella.

You cant understand a city without using its public transportation system.

Transport is a significant theme in our playschool curriculum. This year, on 24th November 2015, the students of Capella presented a special assembly on the theme in the School auditorium. The assembly was divided into three aspects land, water and air transport, with the aim of providing to make the children aware of the different means of transport available in these categories.

The assembly began with a brief introduction on the theme. Yug Bajaj, who introduced the theme, spoke his lines with clarity and confidence. The children had prepared cutouts of the different means of transport with the help of their teachers. Some of them donned these cutouts and paraded on stage. The cutouts were beautifully designed and in delightful colours. While the children paraded, features related to these means of transport were explained to those sitting in the audience. The entire display was supported by charming rhymes that were sung by the children themselves. Some of these were drive like papa and ek choti khisti....'. At the end of the display, there was a small quiz for those in the audience. The children had to guess the means of transport based on the clues given. Token gifts were given out to those who came up with the correct answers. The assembly was not only informative but very lively and interactive too.

Yet another exercise in ' edutainment'.

Ms. Aastha Madaan.