
Class IE Mystery Skypes peers in a Vietnam school

Skype classrooms promote collaborative learning, enhance critical thinking, improve social skills and keep students stimulated.

The children of class 1E experienced all olthe above when they interacted with students of the Trong Yeng Primary Public School, Hoa Luru District,Ninh Binh Province, Vietnam, on 3 December 2021.

The session commenced with a general discussion on India and Vietnam, the students favourite subjects, and the capital cities of both countries.

The theme of the Mystery Skype session was animals. Students from both the schools gave out two clues each to guess the animals. The students of class I E identified the two mystery animals, a horse and a butterfly. Then, it was the turn of the Vietnamese students to guess the animals, and they too were successful in identifying the elephant and snake.

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It was an engaging and entertaining interaction for all students as they enjoyed the virtual exchange with new faces! The students of Class IE were delighted by their maiden Skype classroom experience.

Amidst the virtual learning environment students have been in since the past year, this was an innovative step to help them interact with children of the same age group and break the monotony of the online classroom.