
Class VC engages with an American mathematician

The students of class V-C at The Indian School interacted virtually with Mr Randy Ewart, Math specialist from West Hartford, Connecticut, United States of America, on the 29th of November, 2021 at 8:30 AM (IST).

Mr Ewart works with students with special needs. He has also created and applied several innovative methods for teaching mathematics. He has been teaching at the secondary school level and in colleges for 25 years.

The session started with young Shelin Raj of V-C welcoming Mr Ewart. Mr Ewart shared pictures of his family and office space. He also showed the Indianites Google Earth images of The Indian School, his office and city in the United States.

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Mr Ewart introduced the topic Volume to the students. Jayesh of Class V-C impressed Mr Ewart with his response to the question on the unit of volume. He then commenced his session by first reviewing the concepts of length, perimeter and area. Once the students had understood the terms, he elaborated on volume. He asked the children to visit https://www.nctm.org/Classroom-Resources/Illuminations/Interactives/Cubes/ and create a cube on the interactive site. He also presented his screen and demonstrated how to construct a cube. Once all the students had made their cubes, he explained the concept of the volume of a cube.

Mr Ewart gave varied dimensions and asked the students to create cubes accordingly. Students of V-C enthusiastically participated in the activity and asked pertinent questions. Lucid explanation of the units of volume followed the engaging activity.

The session was informative as it accorded the students of V-C an opportunity to learn new concepts and participate in the interactive session on the NCTM website.

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