
Class XI Orientation Programme

On 1 February, 2016, an orientation programme was organised for the parents and students of class X in the School auditorium. The focus of the programme was to enable students, along with their parents, to arrive at the most suited choice of stream of subjects for the next session. A suitable choice is is critical for every student at this significant juncture of his/ her School life.

Principal Tania Joshi started the session by praising the parents for taking an active interest in decisions relating to their children's lives. She directed everyone's attention towards elements, key for the child's fulfilment in the life ahead. She advised that students make an intelligent choice of subjects based mainly on individual capacity and skills and not their whims or peer pressure. During the interaction, parents put forward doubts and queries that worried them and Ms. Joshi responded to each patiently. She also oriented the parents and students to consider the choice of liberal arts' subjects with a more open mind.

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Ms. Sukhmeen Cheema, School counsellor, then came forward to present a short movie on career choices and their eventual impact.. She later interacted with the parents too and sought to relieve their anxiety on the selection of stream.

Dr. Anu Singh, Vice-principal explained the many facets one must consider while considering the science stream. A curiosity to learn, rigorous practice and unrelenting hard work were prerequisites for any child to excel in this stream.

Ms. Pooja Bahl spoke about the commerce stream. She introduced the twin subjects, Accountancy and Business Studies which would now be available as a combination to the students. She also explained the need to be diligent and alert while learning the art and science of solving problems in commerce.

Finally, the students and their parents were updated about the several subject combinations that would be made available to the students in class XI.

In all, it was one of several endeavours by School to enhance awareness among parents and extend support to the students as they make their decisions.

Ms. Pooja Bahl.