
Classes 5 and 6 visit Bookaroo- a childrens lit fest

On 30 November, 2019, 28 excited students of classes 5 and 6 visited Bookaroo at the Indira Gandhi National Centre for the Arts (IGNCA). Bookaroo showcases the best original artwork from childrens books and conducts workshops by authors. Speakers at this years edition of Bookaroo came from 11 cities of India and eight countries, including Australia, France and Singapore. Celebrated illustrators, designers and the festival bookstore called Eureka were the icing on the cake. The bookstore had stocked all the visiting authors books for children to browse, buy and get signed by the authors on the spot!

The festival was a two-day event. On the first day several prominent schools like Bluebells, Shri Ram, Pinnacle and Vasant Valley took part in the various workshops. The students were divided into groups according to their age.

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Class 5 attended a start-up workshop by none other than Paro Anand, noted storyteller for young adults. She introduced her new book The Naughty Bear by enacting one of the stories from it! Her skills and style of storytelling mesmerised the students. She ended the workshop by asking the students to write a story named A Quiet Girl.

Simultaneously, for class 6, a story telling session was conducted by the creator of the iconic popular comic character of 'Butterfingers, Ms. Khyrranisa A. She narrated stories from her latest book The Lizard of Oz and other stories. The children were enthralled upon hearing stories of the centipedes, lizards, ducks and honey bees. Somehow the creepy creatures seemed to have found a way into their hearts! After the session she answered the questions posed by the animated students and suggested that they maintain a diary to note down their thoughts. This can serve as a good medium for creative writing.

During the visit, our students walked around the venue. They got a chance to draw their favourite cartoon characters on a big blank sheet put up by well-known illustrator, Ms Suvidha Mistry. Few were lucky to get their books signed by Paro Anand and Naynika Mahtani in the Author Signing Area.

After a short break class 5 geared up for a craft workshop called Paper Presents. The workshop was conducted by Ms Nilanjana Das and Ms Suman. Our eager students crafted and painted beautiful paper bags. They also made paper pens with waste paper.

Class 6 got an opportunity to meet popular Spanish illustrator, Ms Eva Sanchaz during their drawing workshop titled Resolution in the Jungle! Our children chose different characters to complete an entire jungle scene on the Doodle Wall.

It was an enriching experience for the children as they learnt new skills. They thoroughly enjoyed themselves at the event.

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