
Creative writing with author, Ranjit Lal- classes 4-6

Someone once said, Writers are born, not made. This is not true because we all are blessed with an extraordinary imagination.

To help the students harness their innate imaginations, School invited Mr. Ranjit Lal, accomplished writer-poet to interact with them. On 24th January 2107, he assembled with the students of classes IV to VI in the School library to conduct another session of 'Spinning Yarns.

Mr. Lal started the session with tips to get the students started. He advised them about the following while writing. Keep sentences short to create more impact. Use dialogues to give the reader more information about the characters and their thought- process. Add emotions in the story to draw- in the reader. Act out your stories. Enjoy your stories.

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He gave the students several story- starters and ushered them towards developing stories from them. Within the hour, students had finished their stories and were ready to share them with the others in the group! Mr. Lal listened to each story patiently and gave individual tips on how to improve.

The session was extremely useful as our children were taught fresh perspectives to help take their story writing to another level.

Ms. Tarannum Athar.