
Declamation Contest at Springdales, Pusa Road

Is bullying acceptable ? Are we tolerant of each other? Would you advocate a car-free day for your city ? Does the promotion of tourism help in the economic growth of the country? Does the sharing and posting of photographs destroy the privacy of your moments?

These were some of the thought- provoking subjects that left the audience thinking during the Rahul Joshi Memorial Declamation contest held at Springdales School Pusa Road on Friday 16th October 2015 .

Late Rahul Joshi had been a student of class nine at the school who possessed numerous talents and fine values. He was an exemplary boy at school and a keen orator. This contest is held every year in his memory sponsored by the Rotary Club of Delhi. The forum motivates young speakers to participate in an extempore debate.

Exhaustive topics were offered to the children and it was heartening to see them delving into issues closely relating to our lives. Students spoke on current topics of national and international concern and other issues of interest. The contest aimed at exercising young orators to hone the speaking skills with articulation and ease before an unfamiliar audience.

Professor Devyani Sengupta, editor, map-making and professor, Delhi University; Ms. Radha Nayar PGT English, Bal Bharti School were the judges on the occasion .The contest was open only to students of class nine. Mallika Mukim and Sahil Chugh from our School participated in the contest. It was a great learning experience where the students shared their views in a broad perspective, learnt to speak extempore and to communicate their ideas before s large group of people.

The students participated with zeal and enthusiasm. The judges praised the children and aimed at the importance of public speaking to be cultivated in the days to come .

Ms. Nidhi Bindra.