
Delhi Youth League ( football) experience.

Shastri Football Club, a reputed club of the Super Delhi Division organised trials on 24th September 2015 at the Commonwealth Games Village, for the selection of players to represent the club in the Delhi Youth League.

The club is known to offer a platform to young and aspiring sportsmen. Aman Pathania XA, Prajjwal Roy, XA and Chirag from our School participated in the trials. Of two hundred young and enthusiastic candidates who appeared only ten managed to qualify at these trials. And of these, 3 were our own!

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The exhilarating news of the selection of all three students from our School broke the evening before the main event.

The tournament offered the children a novel and invaluable experience in shooting, dribbling, passing, besides a new sense of the ball, as it were. It was overwhelming to observe the students learning and taking the responsibility of representing the School at such a prestigious event.