
English Singing presentation in Pre primary

Music is a soulful way to express oneself, for rhythm flows from the beating heart. Singing this lends a fun opportunity to learn articulation, pronunciation alongside music per se.

A singing presentation in Pre Primary was held on Thursday, 31st January 2019. All the sections of Pre Primary participated in the event. The assembly began with a prayer followed by a vigorous rendition of Old Mac Donald by PP Gemini. The students participated in great enthusiasm. Next came PP Leo with the unforgettable, Shell be coming around the mountain.. The children in the audience clapped loudly! PP Merak sang The wheels of the bus which was joined in by the enthused young audience. PP Orion came with another foot tapping song... We are going to the circus. Last but not the least came PP Vega with the well-known... Found a peanut.

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Musical notes knotted the morning in a happy tapestry. The beaming little faces seemed lit with the delight of having sung and joined in as others sang. was in the air through the morning and it was a delight to witness the Pre Primary classes put up a magnificent performance- each one was outstanding and kept the audience enthralled.