
Environment Week in the Primary, 6-10 July, 2015

World Environment Day is celebrated on 5th June every year, since 1973. It helps to create worldwide awareness about the environment, its conservation and how everyone can contribute to eco-friendly living and consumption.

The Primary section of our School held an assembly on the conservation of resources on 10 July 2015 as a culmination of Environment Week being observed at our School Various activities were conducted by the different classes during the same. These included making and wearing wrist bands with the slogan, ' Save Water', a cleanliness drive which involved the cleaning of classrooms and corridors. The children also made paper bags, undertook slogan writing, artwork and poems on the subject. They even performed skits.

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Avni Mathur of class V-A acted as MC for the special assembly on the occasion, which began with a thought-provoking skit presented by class IV-A. The skit highlighted the aspiration of a little girl, played by Mahishika Chanana, and her friend Ishaan, acted by Sachit Gupta. These children could not go out because of a lack of free open spaces in their neighbourhood. They could not water plants at home from a scarcity of water and could not sight animals on a visit to a wild life sanctuary due to indiscriminate hunting happening there. The skit concluded with the animals of the forest forced to come and stay with Mahishika's family, since they had no place to live and nothing to eat as their habitats were destroyed by ruthless human beings!

Mannat Suri, Khushi Bami, Jasleen Kaur, Aarush Roy, Manya Arora, Ansheeka Arora, Sarah Ilyas and the others spoke on stage about the different ways in which the environment is being degraded by humans. With the help of posters and props, they conveyed the simple message that we all need to adopt conservation to save our environment from further degradation. A foot-tapping Recycling Rap by the students of classes IV and V enthralled the audience and at the same time effectively conveyed the message of caring for our precious environment. Next a street play in Hindi was presented by all the students of class V-C. The play emphasised the need to save our forests for a better future. Finally the primary school choir sang a Hindi song about trees. The audience also hummed along as all the students had been taught the song in their music class. A presentation by Ms. Susan Thomas, Head Teacher,The Foundation School followed. She gave valuable tips on how to save water, energy and recommended the use of paper bags to help conserve the environment.

Ms. Parvinder Kaur and Ms. Pratima Roy.