
Excursion to the Air Force Museum, class 4

The students of class IV visited the Air Force Museum situated at Palam on Friday 7th August, 2015. The museum features an indoor display gallery that contains historical photographs, memorabilia, uniforms and personal weapons of the Indian Air Force from its inception in 1932.

The gallery leads to a hangar, which holds small aircraft and Air Force inventory like guns, vehicles and ordnance. Larger aircraft are exhibited outside the hangar. The outdoor gallery contains aircraft and also displays several war trophies, radar equipment, captured enemy vehicles and remnants of Pakistani sabre jet aircrafts shot down in the 1971 Indo-Pak War.

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The trip was very educative as it imparted lots of information on the history of the Air Force and a rare peek into the heroism, gallantry and indomitable sprit of hundreds of people who have, each, in their own way contributed to building a glorious tradition.The students were very excited see 'real' aircraft, bombs, missiles, tanks and choppers all from so close...! Many were so fascinated that they promptly announced that they were going to join the Indian Air force when they grow up!

Ms.Parvinder Kaur