
Excursion to the Mughal Gardens, class 3.

Mughal Gardens are a group of gardens influenced by Persian gardens. Located at Rashtrapati Bhawan, these are open for the public during February and March when the flowers are in bloom. The students of class III students went on an excursion to the Mughal Gardens on 24 February, 2015.

We walked through the various gardens, named the Botanical Garden, the Circular Garden and the Rose Garden. Spectacular flowers, musical fountains, chirping birds and fragrance filled the place. The cool Spring air and the gentle sunshine added spright in our step and the children were filled with delight as they spotted flowers they were familiar with.


The students attempted reading and recognising the names of the medicinal plants they saw and discovered their uses. They learnt that aloe vera is used for rejuvenating dull skin. We saw several varieties of cactus and discussed its features.

An outing is always an enriching learning experience. The students admired the grandeur of Rashtrapati Bhawan and the freshness of its outdoors. They were extremely animated as they continuously drew their teachers' attention to flowers and fauna that they recognised. They spontaneously observed shapes and differences in the foliage.

Filed by Ms. Neena Maini.