
Experiential learning at Vimhans

The things we have to learn before we do them, we learn by doing them. - Aristotle

On the 27th of September, 2014, students of Psychology from classes 11 and 12 along with the Psychology teacher, Ms. Sukhmeen Cheema went on an excursion to the Vidyasagar Institute for Mental Health and Neuro and Allied Sciences (VIMHANS).

We were all very enthusiastic and excited to experience something new. We were escorted to the conference room where a little Welcome banner awaited us. The first session was on Clinical Hypnotherapy and was to be conducted by the Head of Department, Hypnotherapy, Mrs. Simrita Chaudhry. Mrs Chaudhary began by explaining how, unknowingly, we have a lot of misconceptions about hypnotherapy. She methodically she cleared these and gave us an insight into this very effective complementary therapy. She told us that hypnotherapy mandatorily requires the voluntary participation of the patient. She also informed us that hypnotherapy is not a state of sleep because during hypnotherapy, the conscious mind is always awake and alert. We were surprised to be told that we are all hypnotised at least once every day as daydreaming and drowsiness are also states of trance or mild hypnosis! We were also told that hypnotherapy is a process where the patient travels through through the subconscious, unconscious and collective unconscious to seek out inner problems and their solutions.


The session ended with a demonstration of a relaxation technique. This gave us a glimpse of the world of hypnotherapy and made us feel light, extremely unburdened and definitely "relaxed".

The next session lined up for us was about a novel and powerful therapeutic tool, Music Therapy. The session began in an unexpected manner. We were greeted by two music therapists, representing The Music Therapy Trust, Ms. Lucy Bolger and Mr. Somash Pandey and to our surprise, an array of various musical instruments! What amazed us was what followed. The specialists asked us to pick up any one instrument and just play it, as we wanted- as loud or soft. Strictly the premise beibg, rulethere are no rules! We all started pressing the keys or running out fingers over the strings in enthusiasm. Soon the tempo increased and we feared the noise would bring the hall down! After about ten minutes of wild and musical fun, Mr. Pandey told us that this exercise aimed at releasing the inner child in us who is a free personality, who does not like any structure or routine or restrictions and this personality is definitive of our real inner self. Ms. Bolger followed it up saying that this was part of a much longer process called Music Therapy and told us that this therapy is client-centred where the clients needs are supreme, it is goal- directed and focuses on the holistic healing of an individual. She used examples of cases that she had dealt with, in order to give us a clearer understanding. We were also shown documentaries on how music therapy is used very effectively in therapeutic situations. The session ended with a delightful team-building exercise which was enjoyed by all.

The last activity in store for us was a tour through the facility. We were taken to the IPD, OPD, High risk wards, and to the mind-body centre. We were also taken to the day care centre where we got a chance to briefly interact with patients. This gave us better understanding of the symptoms of disorders like schizophrenia. Also, at the day care centre, we saw patients occupied in various activities like craft, yoga, chocolate- making. They even gifted our School some handmade chocolates!

At the end of the day we felt enriched with the knowledge we had gained by this hands'-on educational experience. Something we had earlier only visited in our textbooks!

Hema Chakraborty, XII-C.