
Farewell for class 12, batch of 2018-19

The customary farewell for the outgoing batch of class 12 was held on Saturday, 28 December 2019 by the students and teachers of class 11.

Nostalgia hung heavy in the air as the students of class 11 gathered to bid adieu to their dear seniors. Preparations for the event had begun earlier in the month and the bustle was evident even on the appointed day. The juniors were extremely keen to put up their best and left no stone unturned for a great show.

Tejkirat Singh Sukhija and Divijaa Sahni of class XI B were the hosts of the event. The teachers and students were welcomed into the auditorium, tastefully decorated in bright hues of violet and gold. Principal, Ms Tania Joshi, graciously addressed the assembly. She described both the pride and the pain of the parting.

Class XI then regaled the delighted audience with comic role play, energetic dance moves and song. A happy yet meaningful farewell song was amongst the highlights of the evening.

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Divij Bhargava of XII-A, Aryan Raj Seth of XII-B and Divita Anand of XII-D spoke of their journey of 14 years at the place they fondly call second home. Their speeches filled the hall with unusual emotion and scarcely did an eye keep dry! The recollections of times spent with School mates were now priceless memories.

Innovative titles were distributed to capture the attributes of each passing out student. Divij Bhargava of XII -A and Mehar Saxena of class XII-B were named Mr and Ms Indianite whilst Aman Chatlani of XII-B and Ishika Bhaskar of XII- C were crowned Mr and Ms Style Icon much to the excitement of the assembly!

The ceremonial cake was then cut as a formal finale of this foundational phase, as it were. The world at their feet, the passing students were armed well to fly.

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