
Farewell for class 12 ( Batch of 2020-21)

As customary, The Indian School bid a fond farewell to the outgoing batch of 2020-21, on 30 December, 2020. The event was held online but in no way lacked the fervour and energy of the tradition. The theme of the farewell hosted by class XI was Reliving Y2K.

The event commenced with Principal, Ms Joshi addressing the gathering and wishing

the batch, the best for their exams and the future ahead. The festivities kicked off with a performance by the musicians of class XI, who sang a string of popular movie songs from the early 2000s and had everybody tapping along to the catchy scores. A poem by Zunairah Hussain of class XI-E poignantly portrayed the emotions of leaving school after a childhood spent in its loving portals.

A performance by the dancers of class XI pepped up the mood. Next it was time for assigning the titles, which is perhaps the most exciting part of every farewell ceremony! The titles for sections A and B were announced followed by a nostalgic speech by Dhruv Sharma of class XII-A, who thanked School for all that he had learnt this far.

A round of games to entertain their seniors was organised by the students of class XI. It began with a game called The Heist, which included a quiz to reminisce life at School. Shruti Arora of XI-D then spoke to thank the juniors and School itself for the treasure chest of memories she was carrying away.

Yet again, the audience welcomed the band and a wonderful performance commenced, including solos and a performance on the keyboard by Aryan Chawla of class XI-C. The efforts of the music committee were appreciated by all. A comic act by Aditi Ranjan of XI-B, on the anatomy of a students brain and the experience of online classes has the audience shed tears of laughter.

Next the titles for class XII-C were announced, followed close on heel by a speech by Mayank Agarwal of XII-C. Mayank profusely thanked his teachers and friends for making his School life special. The titles for the students of class XII-D came next, followed by a speech by Vrinda Bansal, who expressed her heartfelt gratitude to her teachers and friends.

It was time for the last round of games to entertain our parting seniors. This round was special as it included playing out of a medley of photographs of the years gone. Shrieks of excitement and clapping pierced the air as the beloved "faces of childhood" got spotted. A comic drama performance comprising popular cartoon characters for the outgoing batch alas now "grown up" had the audience in splits.

A delightful dance had the seniors tapping their feet to peppy songs from the 2000s and finally a string melodies by the music committee. A video depicting the long and rich journey of the outgoing class marked the end of the evening.

Principal, Ms. Joshi announced the winners of the titles of Mr and Ms Indianite and Mr and Ms Style Icon. Twisha Kacker of XII-C was awarded the title of Ms Indianite while Uday Beswal of XII-A was declared Mr Indianite. Ryan Suri of XII-D was awarded the title of Mr Style Icon and Gurliv Kaur of XII-D was named Ms Style Icon. Head Boy (Ryan Suri) and Head Girl (Gunjan Anand) stepped forward to thank the juniors whole heartedly. They also expressed their gratitude to their teachers for all the painstaking effort at shaping them into capable human beings now ready to take on the world outside.

In nostalgia and reluctance, but with hope and aspiration, we bid adieu to our seniors and wished them luck for all they set out to do. We look forward to keep seeing them back at School from time to time.

Aarushi Menon XID and Gauhar Gupta XIE