
Fascinating lecture on International Asteroid Day

A team of 5 students of class IX of attended a dome show-cum-lecture at the Nehru Planetarium to mark International Asteroid Day on 30 June 2022. Our Physics teacher at School, Ms P. Yogeshwari, accompanied them on this informative and entertaining visit.

There was a little delay in the beginning due to the rain, but the joy of learning kept everyone excited. The venue for the dome show was the sky theatre. The event tried to demystify asteroids by answering several questions like, how can asteroids be of use? How can they be a threat? And how can this threat be prevented? The show was so spectacular and engaging that the audience felt it was in space and experiencing the real.

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After the spell-binding show, eminent teachers of science made meaningful and informative presentations to the delight of the fascinated audience. Dr Megha Rajora explained the formation of asteroids and comets. Dr Gupta further dwelled on the topic and showed pictures of the asteroids.

After the presentations, there was a question-answer session where everyone had a question to ask. The erudite speakers patiently fielded all the queries to the satisfaction of their young audience. There were several exhibits placed outside on topics relating to space. The participants visited the exhibition that attempted to answer enigmatic questions like why is the night sky dark? How to use a gravitational lens and the history of the universe, etc.

Even though it rained through the day, the Indianites enjoyed learning about raining asteroids! It was a day well spent, filled with wonder and amazement.

Hitisha Mehta, IX A