
Father's Day Poem

Father's Day offering The kitchen smells of smoke Alas the cake' is aflame Baking powder and egg yolk strewn upon the floor, have made a mucky paste My siblings laugh aloud at my charade While the dog finds his way To the spill beneath the lard Suddenly the laughter stops As the rain cloud pops And the darkness falls As Mum, for dinner, calls My heart is heavy As I grow afraid But I calm down When I see Papa in the doorway As I stand covered In batter and flour He scans the mess And laughs from afar! ''I wanted to bake you a cake for Father's Day'' I explain He hugs me and tells me To clean the mess I made This was not how I wanted it to go But washing the dishes and scrubbing the floor Was how that special Sunday Got spent as Father's Day! Vanshika Choudhary, class 11B