
Floral Diwali by Pre-primary.

The Pre-primary department celebrated Diwali in a special way on 31 October,13 with life-size floral rangolis. This helped introduce the tiny tots to an eco-friendly and quiet, yet equally joyous way of enjoying the occasion.

The venue for the display was our own Lilliput section, where the teachers painted rangoli patterns across the floor and children from each class by turn carefully filled in the contours with fresh rose, marigold, chrysanthemum petals and ashoka leaves. Some children helped carrying the petals in, others segregated the required quantities of petals, while the rest attempted to fill the patterns cautiously, taking care not to let any petal overstep the outlines. Motor skills were duly exercised! Finally the teachers placed diyas in vantage positions and the playing light lent new hues to the vibrant colours of the petals.

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A treat to the senses,the fragrance of the fresh flowers created a soothing ambience whilst the riot of robust colour made for a truly festive feel.

As told by Ms. Shikha Sharma and Ms. Mayur Bose.