
Fruit activity in class 2

Fruit provides nutrients vital for health and maintenance of the body. Fruit along with vegetables have always been very essential for the growth and development of a child. They especially help to boost a childs immune system.

To inculcate the habit of eating fruit and maintaining good health, an online activity was conducted for the children of class II. The activity Bringing Life to Fruits, directed the children to craft shapes and patterns from fruit. Some children made easy and pretty fruit carvings, enhanced by the rich colours of the assorted fruit.

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The students were told to wash their hands, the fruit and the utensils to be used for the activity carefully before starting. They were also told to wear chef caps and gloves. The activity aimed to ignite the artistic expression of the children. It also aimed to help improve observation and motor skills.

The children were excited to observe how their own creativities took shape! In fact, some of the patterns that emerged were very innovative. They happily shared their experience with their classmates in their online class.

Ms Jaspreet Kaur

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