
Ganit Week at School.

To observe the birth anniversary of Srinivasan Ramanujan, CBSE declared 16th to 22nd December 2014 as GANIT week at all schools. To observe this, the day witnessed various interesting mathematical activities across all classes. Through the week memorable quotes by eminent mathematicians were widely displayed for the children to see and learn.

The week commenced with a mathematics' assembly, emphasising the relevance of Math in daily life with a video presentation. A quiz was organised for classes 10 to 12 and separately for classes 4 and 5 to excite mathematical faculties! Number Hunt at classes I and II levels transformed the classrooms into activity zones with each child using Tambola tickets to seek out numbers from his / her ticket according to the instructions given. Concepts woven in were Place value, Addition and Subtraction. The week saw students of classes IV and V engaged in devising board and card games using various mathematical concepts, making learning more constructive and fun-filled. [gallery]

Students of class III used cut-outs of shapes to make innovative geometrical patterns thus strengthening their understanding of the concept of tessellations. Story-writing activity like The story of Multi and Addi and other stories involving mathematical concepts written by the students themselves encouraged them to understand concepts and their applications.

A talk by math expert Dr. Hukum Singh was organised for classes 9 to 11. His citations were filled with humour which actively preserved the attention and interest of all the students! He drew from everyday situations and environments to make the concepts connect.

Classes 9 and 10 also learnt the nuances of Sudoku and enjoyed solving problems. A Rangometry competition was organised for classes 6 and 7. A geometrical Rangoli encouraged the children to assimilate various concepts like patterns, symmetry etc.

Videos from Vigyaan Prasar were showcased for class 8 depicting the life of Ramanujan. Students seemed enthralled by what they saw. Essay-writing helped students discover the relevance of Math through the topic " A day without Math". Students impressively described how math is an inseparable part of their lives.

The week concluded with a Christmas fete which has become a regular feature at our School, organised by the mathematics department every year. It was organised by class 8 as a part of their commercial-math learning process. Stalls saw mathematical games, food and handicrafts. Artefacts made of Origami connected instantly with the visitors. Discount options, exciting deals, billing, service tax, calculation of profit and loss was effectively grasped by the students in a hands-on experience. The proceeds of this fete were handed over to charity as a part of shramdaan.

Ganit Week or Growing aptitude in Numerical Innovations and Training although a small step towards learning by doing has definitely left an impact on students and has encouraged teachers to develop logical thinking among their students.

Ms. Neha Agrawal, Mathematics Department.