
Ganit Week( Growing Aptitude In Numerical Innovations & Training ) at our School, 16-22 December 2015.

22 December, birth anniversary of Dr. Srinivasa Aiyangar Ramanujan is also observed as National Mathematics Day through the country. This year too, on the 128th anniversary, School marked the occasion by organising a series of activities relating to Mathematics.

Relay race activity to revise multiplication tables - To make Math fun, we took the students of class 3 to the field. The excited students participated in a relay race, using skip counting. Two teams, both equally enthusiastic, revised multiplication tables using this fun method.

Understanding equivalent fractions using paper foldingThe students of class 4 were divided into groups of four. They were shown how to explore equivalent fractions through the technique of paper- folding. The students not only enjoyed themselves but were able to comprehend the concept by the method.

Board games related to decimals Students of class 5 prepared stimulating board games and puzzles relating to decimals. They then played these games to reinforce concepts.

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Class 6 created magic squares of sizes 3x3 and 4x4. Classes 7 and 8 attempted to solve the Rubiks Cube. They were also shown how to crack Sudoku puzzles. An interactive session was organised for classes 9 and 10 on Algebra, the Fibonacci Series and Golden ratio. They were shown power point presentations on concepts relating to these topics. This was followed by a fun quiz to gauge the students absorption. During the morning assembly on 22nd December, students viewed a movie on Dr. Ramunajan in the auditorium. Exhibits from activities were also displayed in the School reception area.

Learning through games provides students the opportunity to strengthen their concepts, apply mathematical skills and develop a positive attitude towards math. It was a fun experience that allowed children to start thinking 'out of the box'. It also instilled in them a feeling of team spirit as students shared their ideas with each other.

Alka Kanwar.