
Global classroom-skyping with students from Vietnam

A skype session was conducted on 26 April, 2019 in the school computer lab where students of class XII along with the Vice Principal, Ms Sukhmeen Kaur Cheema and Ms Suhina Roshangar interacted with the students of Phv The Boarding High School for Ethnic Minorities, Vietnam. Holding the atlas in their hands, our students waited eagerly to play Mystery Skype with their peers in Vietnam. Each side dropped clues so that the other could guess the name of the country. Ms Din Xuan, the Vietnamese teacher, was very warm and cordial and encouraged her students to ask more questions.

The Vietnamese students talked about Van Cau, a famous author of Vietnam and our students told them about Ruskin Bond. The groups chatted talked about the lives and famous of the authors.

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The half hour session was enjoyed by students of both the sides. Such opportunities promote feelings of brotherhood and equality and give students a chance to know more about new places and peoples across the world.