
Graduation ceremony for Class 12 Batch 2020-21

The Indian School held its customary Graduation Ceremony for the outgoing batch of class XII, on 25 January 2021. The students, along with their parents attended the virtual, albeit no less special ceremony.

School Chairman Mr Prafull Goradia, Vice Chairperson, Dr Ms Nayana Goradia, Chairman of the Managing Committee Mr Shyam Divan, Vice Chairperson of the Managing committee, Ms Brinda Goradia Shroff, Director, Mr Lal Raisinghani, Governing Board member Ms. Madhavi Divan, Principal, Ms Tania Joshi and Vice-Principal, Dr Ms Anu Singh along with the teachers were present to offer our students a befitting send off.

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The ceremony commenced with an invocation to Lord Ganesh in a mellifluous rendering of the Ganesh Vandana by Upasana Khatua of class VI. Principal, Ms Joshi then addressed the gathering and wished the students. She thanked the parents for their support and urged the students to always anchor with the values learned at School. On popular demand, she promised a get-together at School once Covid was past.

Mr Shyam Divan, in his address applauded the efforts of the teachers and congratulated the students on having completed their long and enriching journey thus far. He reminisced his own school days and the bitter sweet feeling of this occasion in every child's life. He said that even decades later, his best friends continue to be those made at school!

Mr Divan reminded that the pandemic has taught us to learn to stay in good health. He spoke of the importance of believing in oneself and to compete first with oneself. At every step one must try to improve upon one's last best. He said each student of the School was well equipped with maturity, intelligence and a curiosity to explore the world and he wished each one the best.

The citations for students of class XII were then displayed on the screen. Each student looking resplendent in the School uniform faced the camera as the names were called. The pride in the young eyes was evident even on the virtual platform.

The ceremony, next, had some of our proud parents share their experiences of the years at School. They recounted with great nostalgia and thanksgiving, the unforgettable journey of seeing their children grow into responsible, capable and compassionate young adults. Parents, Ms Sangeeta Rathi, Ms Prachi Kacker and Ms Pooja Suri spoke on the occasion.

Aryan Singh of class XII-B, Divija Puri of class XII-C and Mayank Ahuja of class XII-D spoke with emotion to relive their precious years spent within the protective portals of their beloved alma mater. They profusely thanked their teachers and friends for the beautiful bonds which they would cherish through life.

It was then time for the magical musical video medley of photos and memories of the 14 years gone by. A wonderful slideshow of photographs collected from the School archives played out to travel back in time on a train of nostalgia! Despite each one of us being physically apart on this important occasion, we are certain that not a single eye stayed dry. The pangs of parting were evident.

A video of the teachers singing the School song played out as, in a symbolic gesture the students lit a diya and sang along with their teachers. This is the light of knowledge that will be carried out,to light up the world outside.

The customary releasing of the balloons followed, to mark the new hope and promise that will accompany each young graduate on the new phase in their lives.

The evening concluded with a heartfelt blessing that each Indianite truly flies high.

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