
Happy Feet in Primary

The children of Pre-primary showcased folk dance steps from the various states in a presentation named 'Happy Feet' on 26th September 2017.

The aim of the exercise was to continue ingraining confidence on the stage for the young children. They were also introduced to the folk tradition and the diverse dances from across our country.

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The presentation began with PP Gemini showcasing the Dandiya-raas from Gujarat followed by PP Leo showcasing the Ghoomar of Rajasthan. Next, we had the Lavani from Maharashtra, followed by the Bhangra by PP Orion. Last but not the least PP Vega demonstrated the Rajasthani Kalbelia.

Ms. Neena Maini, Head Teacher- Primary warmly appreciated the performances. She motivated the young dancers greatly when she said she could scarcely believe they were only from Pre primary-only their size gave them away!

Ms. Kanika