
Hindi Choral Recitation, class 1, 17 May, 2013

The aim of the activity was to make students confident by working in collaboration and to improve the skill of communication.

During the learning sessions, the children were given instructions on how to walk erect on to the stage, stand to position and then recite together as a group. Emphasis was laid on voice modulation, expression and actions while reciting the poem.

The children initially wanted to write down the poem in their almanacs and learn it up at home. However after three days of practice in school each child in class had learnt the poem by heart and wanted to spontaneously come forward to recite it! Even the shy children in class volunteered to join the choral recitation practice. They seemed to thoroughly love the group effort.

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On the day of the showcasing of the recitation, the children were very excited and wanted to climb up on to the stage and display their skill. The students of class 1F recited the poem, kash main baadal hota" , sharing aloud their wish to be a cloud and shower joys and their love, as rain from above into everyones lives. 1G students expressed love for their motherland with nanhe veer sipahi. The effort was appreciated by their class teachers and their Head Teacher, Ms. Maini.

It was a wonderful learning experience for the young children as it enabled them to acquire new initiative and independance to conduct themselves on stage. They were as assured and enriched as we were!

Compiled by Ms. Maini and Ms.Priyanka Malhotra